Mountain Photography For Beginners: 20 Top Tips

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Taking great photos in the mountains is more than just lucky pointing and shooting - it's an attempt to capture the essence of a wild place that requires patience, planning and precision. If you aspire to being a better mountain photographer, check out this advice from pro Adrian Hendroff.

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 Fraser 24 Jun 2024
In reply to UKC/UKH Articles:

Very interesting article, thanks for this. 

Incidentally, the link to Adrian's website at the end of it doesn't work for me either on Brave or Chrome.

 Mike-W-99 24 Jun 2024
In reply to Fraser:

There's a colon missing after https

 Fraser 24 Jun 2024
In reply to Mike-W-99:

Bingo, thanks.

In reply to Fraser:

Thanks: sorted

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