Olympics 2024: Zach Hammer



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IFSC World Cup Wins Podiums
Speed 0PB: 5.17s 0
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IFSC Overall World Cup/Championship medals

IFSC World Cup overall:





Whilst Zach Hammer may not be one of the fastest climbers in Paris, he's certainly one that is on an upwards trajectory, and is still only eighteen years of age. Having recently gone sub-five in training, and with World Record holder and fellow Team USA member Samuel Watson as a training partner, Hammer will be full of confidence and raring to go in Paris, so it wouldn’t surprise us to see him register a new PB, and maybe shock a few of his competitors along the way.

Qualification route

Olympic Qualifier Series 2024: 6th Place


Hammer is coached by Albert Ok, a nationally ranked speed climber well known for his YouTube videos where he analyses beta breaks and climbing technique.

UKC prediction

5th-8th Place

We think that Hammer is going to step-up in Paris and find a new level. Whilst it’s unlikely that this will be enough to take him into the final four, the final eight is a realistic goal for him, and one we wouldn’t be surprised if he achieved.

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