Hazel Strachan's 100-Munro Month for Mountain Rescue

© Hazel Strachan

Accomplished Munro-ist Hazel Strachan has set herself a big target for June - 100 Munros in one month. Despite already having eight rounds of the Scottish 3000-ers to her name, and having her sights on a ninth round this summer, she expects June to hurt.

Hazel perfecting her wet weather resilience in the Cairngorms  © Hazel Strachan
Hazel perfecting her wet weather resilience in the Cairngorms
© Hazel Strachan

"My 30 days will be a whistlestop tour of some of Scotland's best and most spectacular mountains" says Hazel.

"I have no specific itinerary, just a bunch of maps to help find my way round Scotland."

"Hopefully I will get enough wi-fi connection to lead me to the areas with the best weather. I'll be camping, bivvying up on the tops of the mountains and sheltering in the motorhome when the weather is horrible."

Her husband Ian will be acting as support over the month, making tea and, says Hazel, ensuring the wine is chilled for her coming off the hill to the van.

Hazel's 30-day mission will be a whistlestop tour of some of Scotland's most spectacular mountains, with a hit list that includes Ben Nevis via CMD Arête, Bidean nam Bian, Aonach Eagach, Buachaille Etive Mor, Liathach, Ben Cruachan, Beinn Dorain, Ben Alder and Ben Lawers. Well if you're cherry picking 100, the big hitters are clearly the place to start!

"I'll spend long days in Kintail and on the Fannaichs near Ullapool wandering along big undulating ridges taking in up to seven Munros in a day, with up to 12 hours of continuous walking" Hazel says.

"However I'm not relying on these big ridges to bump up my numbers during the month. I'll also be enjoying climbing single hills with attitude like Ben Hope and Schiehallion on easier days."

The Aonach Eagach, two Munros on Hazel's hitlist for June  © Dan Bailey
The Aonach Eagach, two Munros on Hazel's hitlist for June
© Dan Bailey

The journey is a fundraising vehicle for Scottish Mountain Rescue, the umbrella organisation representing 23 mountain rescue teams based across Scotland.

"I am fundraising for Scottish Mountain Rescue because I admire the commitment of these volunteers who give their time and expertise to help others" says Hazel.

"Teams are comprised of over 800 volunteers who provide a world class search and rescue service - a service which is available any hour, any day and in any weather. Teams can find themselves operating in challenging and at times hostile conditions in all mountainous and upland terrain throughout Scotland."

If the Scottish summer proves true to type, Hazel might find herself operating in some fairly hostile conditions in June, too.

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