Contributed by ghill06 Jun/24 - This public hilllist has been seen 79 times

Graham on High Neb Buttress (VS 4c)  © Matt Walters
Graham on High Neb Buttress (VS 4c)
Fatt Matt, Aug 2003
© Matt Walters

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Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

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Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Wall End Slab at Stanage. Mike James (aged 20, 1955), Alan James (aged 20, 1984), Sam James-Louwerse (aged 24, 2021)

Wall End Slab
Wall End Slab at Stanage. Mike James (aged 20, 1955), Alan James (aged 20, 1984), Sam James-Louwerse (aged 24, 2021)
© Alan James - Rockfax

Anna Pasteur enjoying the perfect winter climbing conditions

Balcony Buttress
Anna Pasteur enjoying the perfect winter climbing conditions
© Robbie Hearns

Katie preparing a belay on a blustery evening on Black Hawk Traverse

Black Hawk Traverse Left
Katie preparing a belay on a blustery evening on Black Hawk Traverse
© Siwoodward

They say finding gear gets easier with experience..

Manchester Buttress
They say finding gear gets easier with experience..
© The Biochemist

Pete leading Fairy Steps (VS 4a), Stanage Plantation

Fairy Steps
Pete leading Fairy Steps (VS 4a), Stanage Plantation

High Neb Buttress - gritstone VS's don't get much better.

High Neb Buttress
High Neb Buttress - gritstone VS's don't get much better.
© Simon Richardson

Light Train

Robin Hood's Right-hand Buttress Direct
Light Train
© DJayB

Mike James climbing Wall End Slab in 1955

Wall End Slab
Mike James climbing Wall End Slab in 1955
© Mike James

Autumn Evening

High Neb Buttress
Autumn Evening
© lena.drapella

Ann S on Inverted V at sunset

Inverted V
Ann S on Inverted V at sunset
© just wanna climb

At Full Stretch. Sean on Christmas Crack, Stanage.

Christmas Crack
At Full Stretch. Sean on Christmas Crack, Stanage.
© ChrisJD

Simon on Christmas Crack, X-mas day '05. Yes those are tweeds, plus fours and a pipe.

Christmas Crack
Simon on Christmas Crack, X-mas day '05. Yes those are tweeds, plus fours and a pipe.
© Simon Ager

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Christmas Crack HS 4a *** 8256 16m Stanage Popular
Robin Hood's Right-hand Buttress Direct HS 4a *** 4516 22m Stanage Popular
Inverted V VS 4b *** 5571 22m Stanage Popular
Hargreaves' Original VS 4c *** 7252 18m Stanage Popular
High Neb Buttress VS 4c *** 4684 20m Stanage North
Balcony Buttress S 4a *** 3345 20m Stanage Popular
Manchester Buttress HS 4b *** 5871 16m Stanage Popular
Wall End Slab VS 5a *** 2209 22m Stanage Plantation
Black Hawk Traverse Left VD ** 4390 18m Stanage Popular
Robin Hood's Crack HVD 4a ** 1413 18m Stanage Popular
Overhanging Chimney HVD ** 541 16m Stanage North
Fern Crack VS 5a *** 1661 16m Stanage Plantation
Fairy Steps VS 4a ** 1525 16m Stanage Plantation
Byne's Route HS 4b ** 1151 14m Stanage Popular
Gargoyle Variant HS 4b ** 1364 14m Stanage Popular
Jitter Face HS 4a ** 632 14m Stanage Popular
Kelly's Crack VD ** 2046 10m Stanage North
The Ariel VD ** 889 16m Stanage North
Paradise Crack HVD 4a ** 1299 14m Stanage Plantation
Helfenstein's Struggle HVD 4a ** 651 16m Stanage Plantation
49 stars 59,266 338m 20
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