Contributed by smudge Jul/24 - This public hilllist has been seen 41 times

Stuff I need to get back on

Lee on The Fin Sit  © lee_tweedale86
Lee on The Fin Sit
© lee_tweedale86

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Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades - Bouldering

Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Lee on The Fin Sit

The Fin Sit
Lee on The Fin Sit
© lee_tweedale86

Locked in on the crimps

The Yoghurt Hypnotist
Locked in on the crimps
© JamesAlexanderTurnbull

Powering through the crux on "Nadin's Traverse" (V7 6c) at the Roaches Upper Tier boulders (video still)

Nadin's Traverse
Powering through the crux on "Nadin's Traverse" (V7 6c) at the Roaches Upper Tier boulders (video still)
© PeteWilson

Trying Nadin's Traverse last year (March 2012). Finally got it this year (29th March 2013).

Nadin's Traverse
Trying Nadin's Traverse last year (March 2012). Finally got it this year (29th March 2013).
© joe1joe1joe2

Past the difficulties, time to enjoy that lovely finish...

Nadin's Traverse
Past the difficulties, time to enjoy that lovely finish...
© saalty

S & M

S & M
S & M
© jowgli

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Tierdrop f7A+ *** 127 ? Ramshaw Rocks
The Yoghurt Hypnotist f7B ** 235 ? Rowtor Rocks
Short Sean’s Proper Extension f7B *** 3 ? Rowtor Rocks
S & M f7A+ *** 112 ? Newstones and...
The Fin Sit f7B *** 42 ? Gib Torr
Nadin's Traverse f7A *** 202 ? Roaches Upper Tier
17 stars 721 ? 6
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