Contributed by Ben Postlethwaite Jul/24 - This public hilllist has been seen 87 times

Lou Reynolds Showing the boys how its done on Electric Blue  © eel
Lou Reynolds Showing the boys how its done on Electric Blue
© eel, Aug 2016

2 users are subscribed to this hilllist, and none have completed the full list.
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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hayato Furusugi 6% 12 Apr
1st Ben Postlethwaite 6% 30 Jul

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades

Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Banana Skin Sabotage

Left Wall
Banana Skin Sabotage
© Dan Arkle

Frosty Deliverance, Stanage. New Year's Day 2009.

Frosty Deliverance, Stanage. New Year's Day 2009.
© keefe

Hoping to stay dry!

Electric Blue
Hoping to stay dry!
© Bob Llewellyn

Lone boulderer latching the top of Deliverance at a deserted Stanage Plantation, Boxing Day 2004

Lone boulderer latching the top of Deliverance at a deserted Stanage Plantation, Boxing Day 2004

December sunsets...

Infinite Gravity
December sunsets...
© steepstuff

Joe on the crux of Left Wall.

Left Wall
Joe on the crux of Left Wall.
© zcsharp

Left Wall

Left Wall
© Mark Alderson

In between the endless showers, there has been the odd moment...

In between the endless showers, there has been the odd moment...
© Rob Greenwood - UKClimbing

The Ace

The Ace
© Nick Brown

Cenotaph Corner

Cenotaph Corner
© Grahame N

London Wall

London Wall
© Will Rupp

Deliverance stanage

Deliverance stanage
© Andrew1

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Deliverance f7B+ *** 842 ? Stanage Plantation
Rainbow Rocket f7C+ *** 63 ? Franchard Sablons
Isles of Wonder f8B *** 12 ? Carreg Mianog...
The Ace f8B *** 20 ? Stanage Plantation
Careless Torque f8A *** 19 ? Stanage Plantation
The Angel's Share E8 7a ** 20 8m Black Rocks
A Dream of White Horses HVS 4c *** 3123 ? • 4 Gogarth North Stack...
Cenotaph Corner E1 5c *** 2177 ? Dinas Cromlech
Left Wall E2 5c *** 1863 38m Dinas Cromlech
Ocean Boulevard E3 5b *** 400 45m Boulder Ruckle
London Wall E5 6a *** 264 22m Millstone Edge
The Lean Machine E5 6a *** 71 35m Boulder Ruckle
The Quarryman E8 7a *** 30 ? Twll Mawr
Infinite Gravity 8a+ *** 29 45m Blackers Hole
Electric Blue E4 5c *** 270 ? Rhoscolyn
Adrenochrome 8a *** 71 15m Lulworth
36 e, 47 stars 9,274 208m 19
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