Contributed by C Rettiw Jun/24 - This public hilllist has been seen 81 times

Intermediate grades. 50 routes across the grades.

Napes Needle  © MikePen
Napes Needle
© MikePen, May 2012

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User Percentage Latest Log
1st Hidden 70% 3 Aug
2nd Lee0901 6% 5 Sep

Map of routes in this ticklist

Least routes Most routes

Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades - Trad

Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Jade making her way up Botterill's Slab in the cloud.

Botterill's Slab
Jade making her way up Botterill's Slab in the cloud.
© JohnHartley

great night on napes needle

The Wasdale Crack
great night on napes needle
© tjmillen

'D' Route, Gimmer

'D' Route
'D' Route, Gimmer
© Steve Broadbent

The first 'climb to BASE' exit of Tophet Wall.

Tophet Wall
The first 'climb to BASE' exit of Tophet Wall.
© Tom McNally

Jade emerging from the mist on Botterill's Slab

Botterill's Slab
Jade emerging from the mist on Botterill's Slab
© JohnHartley

Ken Jackson on The Centaur, Scafell East Buttress. Mid 1964.

The Centaur
Ken Jackson on The Centaur, Scafell East Buttress. Mid 1964.
© Tony Marr

Oxford & Cambridge Direct

Oxford and Cambridge Direct Route
Oxford & Cambridge Direct
© Steve Broadbent

Tophet wall pitch 1

Tophet Wall
Tophet wall pitch 1
© Brand

Ken Jackson climbing Laugh Not, White Ghyll. May 1966.

Laugh Not
Ken Jackson climbing Laugh Not, White Ghyll. May 1966.
© Tony Marr

George on the airy tiptoe traverse up the rising fault line on Pluto, Raven Crag.

George on the airy tiptoe traverse up the rising fault line on Pluto, Raven Crag.

Ben coming up the main pitch of Bottrill's slab, Scafell

Botterill's Slab
Ben coming up the main pitch of Bottrill's slab, Scafell
© joermann

Finishing the final moves of the incredible F- Route, surely one of the best VS routes around?

'F' Route
Finishing the final moves of the incredible F- Route, surely one of the best VS routes around?
© JamesGibson

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
New West Climb VD *** 457 ? Pillar
Bowfell Buttress HS 4b *** 1214 110m • 4 Bowfell
Arête, Chimney and Crack (Summer) S 3c *** 701 ? Dow Crag
Gillercombe Buttress S 4a *** 1946 ? Gillercombe
Oxford and Cambridge Direct Route S 4a *** 897 ? Grey Crag...
'D' Route S 4a *** 1403 ? Gimmer Crag
Murray's Route S 4a *** 1153 ? Dow Crag
The Wasdale Crack HS 4c *** 1252 17m • 2 The Napes
Rib and Slab Climb HS 4b *** 345 ? Pillar
Jone's Route Direct from Lord's Rake HS 4b *** 316 ? Scafell Crag
Bridge's Route HS 4b *** 353 ? Esk Buttress (Dow...
Tophet Wall HS 4b *** 1395 75m • 4 The Napes
Eve VS 4c *** 2023 ? Shepherd’s Crag
Square Chimney/Medusa Wall Combination VS 4c *** 193 ? Esk Buttress (Dow...
Moss Ledge Direct and Jones' Arete VS 4c *** 197 ? Scafell Crag
Haste Not VS 4c *** 873 ? White Ghyll
Botterill's Slab VS 4c *** 795 87m • 3 Scafell Crag
Eliminate 'A' VS 4c *** 1373 110m • 6 Dow Crag
The Crack VS 4c *** 1272 60m Gimmer Crag
'F' Route VS 4c *** 1171 ? Gimmer Crag
The Coffin VS 4c ** 176 ? Black Crag...
Dexter Wall VS 5a *** 365 ? Grey Crag...
Eagle Front VS 4c *** 322 150m • 8 Eagle Crag...
Mickledore Grooves VS 5a *** 348 67m • 2 Scafell East...
Engineer's Slabs VS 4c *** 469 60m • 2 Gable Crag
Golden Slipper HVS 5a *** 1111 ? Pavey Ark
Finale HVS 5a *** 1089 ? Shepherd’s Crag
High Crag Buttress HVS 5a *** 230 ? High Crag
Pluto HVS 5a *** 1305 ? • 3 Raven Crag...
Lakeland Cragsman HVS 5a *** 1037 45m Sergeant Crag Slabs
Irony HVS 5a ** 674 ? Quayfoot Buttress
The Centaur HVS 5a *** 158 ? Scafell East...
Samson HVS 5b *** 247 ? High Crag
Kipling Groove HVS 5a *** 1253 ? Gimmer Crag
Laugh Not HVS 5b *** 741 ? White Ghyll
Right-hand Crack HVS 5b *** 184 ? Brantrake Crags
The Mortician HVS 5b *** 634 ? Black Crag...
Conclusion E1 5b *** 1084 ? Shepherd’s Crag
Do Not Direct E1 5b ** 518 46m • 2 White Ghyll
Razor Crack E1 5b *** 346 ? Neckband Crag
Gethsemane E1 5b ** 169 ? High Crag
Forget me Not E1 5b ** 221 ? • 2 White Ghyll
Whit's End Direct E1 5b *** 827 ? Gimmer Crag
The Philistine E1 5b *** 260 ? High Crag
Raindrop E1 5b *** 932 ? • 4 Black Crag...
Central Buttress E1 5b *** 662 122m • 6 Scafell Crag
Leverage E1 5b *** 214 ? Scafell East...
Woolly Jumper E1 5b *** 96 ? Bowfell
Gormenghast E1 5b *** 432 53m • 3 Heron Crag, Eskdale
Nimrod E1 5c *** 445 ? Dow Crag
13 e, 145 stars 35,878 1,002m 87
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