Contributed by lauraclimbing Apr/24 - This public hilllist has been seen 35 times

Jon Butters working the moves on Pandemonium  © After The Send
Jon Butters working the moves on Pandemonium
After The Send (Sam Parsons), Feb 2020
© After The Send

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1st Hidden 24% 4 May

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Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Jon Butters working the moves on Pandemonium

Jon Butters working the moves on Pandemonium
© After The Send

Gaining understanding on the high crux.

Gaining understanding on the high crux.
© Jon_Butters

Tom Dale day on Portland classic 'Road Rage'

Road Rage
Tom Dale day on Portland classic 'Road Rage'
© Sam Parsons

Tom Dale getting some air time on Road Rage

Road Rage
Tom Dale getting some air time on Road Rage
© samparsons

Approaching the crux on Rocket from the Crypt

Rocket from the Crypt
Approaching the crux on Rocket from the Crypt
© vickydavies

First ascent - Goodtime to Shine

Goodtime to Shine
First ascent - Goodtime to Shine
© Sally Robinson

Sally leading CC, being slightly flummoxed by the finish

Cruise Control
Sally leading CC, being slightly flummoxed by the finish
© Derry

Slightly soggy Lawrence on belay ledge taken from top of “Lottie” on a wild but beautiful January afternoon.

Slightly soggy Lawrence on belay ledge taken from top of “Lottie” on a wild but beautiful January afternoon.
© Isaac “Zac” Jones

Great line worth all the stars! Toby on the lower section.

Drowning on Dry Land
Great line worth all the stars! Toby on the lower section.
© jammo

Didi below the steep juggy crack

Cruise Control
Didi below the steep juggy crack
© Iain Weymouth

Brian Wilkinson on the first ascent of Cruise Control (6a+) Cheyne Cliff

Cruise Control
Brian Wilkinson on the first ascent of Cruise Control (6a+) Cheyne Cliff
© Mark Glaister

Brian Wilkinson on the first ascent of Cruise Control (6a+) Cheyne Cliff

Cruise Control
Brian Wilkinson on the first ascent of Cruise Control (6a+) Cheyne Cliff
© Mark Glaister

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Drowning on Dry Land 6c ** 280 20m Cheyne Cliff
Rocket from the Crypt 7a+ ** 160 20m Cheyne Cliff
Coralized 7b+ *** 78 20m Cheyne Cliff
Heartbeats 7a+ * 40 21m Cheyne Cliff
Van Life 7a+ ** 32 21m Cheyne Cliff
Goodtime to Shine 6a+ * 40 20m Cheyne Cliff
The Pigskin Bus Pulls Into Tuna Town 6a ** 291 20m Cheyne Cliff
Dutch Courage 6c * 164 20m Cheyne Cliff
Stacked Crack 4c 24 ? Cheyne Cliff
Lottie 4a 19 ? Cheyne Cliff
The Patient Wife 6a 21 ? Cheyne Cliff
Double Sealed 6a+ 18 ? Cheyne Cliff
The Glass Elevator 5c 20 ? Cheyne Cliff
The Escalator 4b * 11 ? Cheyne Cliff
Costa del Cheyne 6a ** 21 18m Cheyne Cliff
Archer 6b+ 10 ? Cheyne Cliff
Worth the Wait 6a * 23 18m Cheyne Cliff
Found Under Carnal Knowledge 7a * 36 20m Cheyne Cliff
Fireblade 7c ** 67 20m Cheyne Cliff
Dynomite 8a ** 22 20m Cheyne Cliff
Pandemonium 7c+ ** 20 20m Cheyne Cliff
Poisoned Bamboo 7c ** 7 14m Cheyne Cliff
No Turn Unstoned 7a ** 132 ? Cheyne Cliff
Cruise Control 6a+ ** 393 ? Cheyne Cliff
Road Rage 7b+ *** 344 20m Cheyne Cliff
Detonator 7c+ ** 32 20m Cheyne Cliff
Illusions 7c+ *** 85 20m Cheyne Cliff
Yesterday's Dreams 7b+ ** 12 20m Cheyne Cliff
Rememberance Sunday 6b+ 30 ? Cheyne Cliff
41 stars 2,432 372m 29
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