Contributed by lauraclimbing Apr/24 - This public hilllist has been seen 52 times

Spot the Nob   © DrGav
Spot the Nob
© DrGav, Jun 2010

1 user is subscribed to this hilllist, and none have completed the full list.
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1st Hidden 14% 1 Sep, 2023

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Marcus on 'Lazy Days and Summer Haze' at Battleship, F6a+

Lazy Days and Summer Haze
Marcus on 'Lazy Days and Summer Haze' at Battleship, F6a+
© Pete Scott

Mike on Victims of Fashion 7a+, Portland

Victims of Fashion
Mike on Victims of Fashion 7a+, Portland
© jezb1

Marcus on 'Lazy Days and Summer Haze', 6a+

Lazy Days and Summer Haze
Marcus on 'Lazy Days and Summer Haze', 6a+
© Pedro

Gareth on Dirty Filthy Rich, Battleship Edge.

Dirty Filthy Rich
Gareth on Dirty Filthy Rich, Battleship Edge.
© HakanT

Tim Monks on Bilboes on Battleship Edge - Portland.

Tim Monks on Bilboes on Battleship Edge - Portland.
© chris sm

Conor enjoying the last weekend in October in fine Portland style.

Victims of Fashion
Conor enjoying the last weekend in October in fine Portland style.
© seankenny

Mark Williams gurning for Dorset at Battleship Edge

Coastguard Ron
Mark Williams gurning for Dorset at Battleship Edge
© steve taylor

Working hard!

Coastguard Ron
Working hard!
© Sam Parsons (After The Send Ltd)

Will that foot work?

Keyboard Wall
Will that foot work?
© Sam Parsons

Emily Dawes on-sights Out of Reach, Out of Mind

Out of Reach, Out of Mind
Emily Dawes on-sights Out of Reach, Out of Mind
© AlexRenshaw

Battleship Edge, Portland

Citizen Dust
Battleship Edge, Portland
© Tom Beaumont

Emma climbing Margaret on the Guillotine at Battleship Portland

Margaret on the Guillotine
Emma climbing Margaret on the Guillotine at Battleship Portland
© Emma Harrington

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Kicking Steps Again 6a ** 41 18m Battleship Edge
Never Drive a Car When You're Dead 6a ** 535 17m Battleship Edge
Wind in the Riggin' 6c ** 165 17m Battleship Edge
Bawdy House 7a 21 16m Battleship Edge
Citizen Dust 6a+ * 34 12m Battleship Edge
Eyes in Your Navel Nigel 6b+ * 39 12m Battleship Edge
Bilboes 7a * 120 13m Battleship Edge
Keyboard Wall 7c *** 111 15m Battleship Edge
Choco Loni 7b ** 62 16m Battleship Edge
Wurlitzer Jukebox 7a+ * 51 18m Battleship Edge
Evening Falls Direct 6c ** 86 20m Battleship Edge
Evening Falls 6a+ ** 638 18m Battleship Edge
Victims of Fashion 7a+ *** 510 18m Battleship Edge
Barbed Wire Kisses 7a+ ** 213 19m Battleship Edge
Monoculture 8a *** 37 19m Battleship Edge
Reve d'un Corbeau 7a * 155 20m Battleship Edge
Lazy Days and Summer Haze 6a+ ** 980 18m Battleship Edge
Norfolk Coast 7a+ * 26 18m Battleship Edge
Pinch an Inch 6a ** 1217 18m Battleship Edge
Inchworm 6a+ * 154 ? Battleship Edge
Inch Perfect, Inchworm 6b+ ** 929 18m Battleship Edge
Serious Music 6c+ * 168 18m Battleship Edge
Margaret on the Guillotine 6a ** 1024 17m Battleship Edge
Gratuitous Lies Here 6c+ * 31 17m Battleship Edge
Keel Haul 7b 15 17m Battleship Edge
Out of Reach, Out of Mind 6c ** 422 18m Battleship Edge
No me Comas el Coco 7a ** 202 18m Battleship Edge
Come, Armageddon, Come 6c+ * 87 18m Battleship Edge
Defcon One 6c+ ** 196 18m Battleship Edge
Blood Simple 7a * 19 17m Battleship Edge
Eighth Wonder 6b 100 10m Battleship Edge
The Barton Fink 7b 10 17m Battleship Edge
Hipnition 7a * 38 16m Battleship Edge
Master of Ape Science 7a+ ** 59 16m Battleship Edge
A Taste of Honey 7a+ * 27 ? Battleship Edge
Dripping with Blood 6c+ 47 17m Battleship Edge
Sweeter than Honey (Link Up) 6a 9 ? Battleship Edge
Making Smiles (Link up) 5c 44 ? Battleship Edge
Skateboard to Oblivion 5c ** 431 12m Battleship Edge
Maud in Memoria 6c+ * 50 12m Battleship Edge
On the Wall 7a+ ** 61 16m Battleship Edge
Trance Dance 7a * 63 16m Battleship Edge
Art For Art's Sake 7a+ * 27 ? Battleship Edge
Judge Jeffreys 6c *** 441 17m Battleship Edge
Humanoid 7a+ ** 95 17m Battleship Edge
One for the Gipper 6b * 364 17m Battleship Edge
President Elect 6b+ * 99 15m Battleship Edge
Chappaquiddick 6b * 206 10m Battleship Edge
Coastguard Ron 7a * 70 8m Battleship Edge
April Skies 5a * 323 ? Battleship Edge
It's All Good 4b * 202 ? Battleship Edge
Persistence is Futile 6b 37 ? Battleship Edge
Pyramid 6b 84 9m Battleship Edge
Misty Monday 3b 92 ? Battleship Edge
Guerrillas in the Myst 4c 64 ? Battleship Edge
Serendipity 4b * 222 ? Battleship Edge
High Jinks (Link up Traverse) 5c 7 ? • 3 Battleship Edge
Mr Dudley Meets Ting Tong Macadangdang 6a * 240 ? Battleship Edge
Flickhead Goes Boing, Boing 7a * 46 14m Battleship Edge
Cruel Mistress 6c+ * 30 ? Battleship Edge
Hats off to the Insane 6b+ * 97 14m Battleship Edge
Trashcan Man 6b * 164 14m Battleship Edge
Dirty Filthy Rich 6a * 236 14m Battleship Edge
Setting the Date 6b+ * 86 12m Battleship Edge
Sealed with a Kiss 6a+ * 122 ? Battleship Edge
Champagne Supernova 6a+ * 177 12m Battleship Edge
Dishing the Dirt 6a * 121 12m Battleship Edge
Andy Wallhole 6a * 156 12m Battleship Edge
The Scroobious Pip 6b 28 ? Battleship Edge
Solar Deprivation 6a 30 ? Battleship Edge
82 stars 13,093 827m 72
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