Contributed by lauraclimbing Apr/24 - This public hilllist has been seen 53 times

Mitchell Burt on Jurassic Shift - 7a  © David Staples
Mitchell Burt on Jurassic Shift - 7a
© David Staples, Apr 2021

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1st Hidden 23% 29 Jul

Map of routes in this ticklist

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Note: Only showing summits, scrambles, winter routes, and low grade climbs

Distribution of grades - Sport

Top 12 photos of this hilllist

Bank Holiday Bliss

Pump Hitler
Bank Holiday Bliss
© Jon_Butters

Andy Schofield on Zinc Oxide Mountain

Zinc Oxide Mountain
Andy Schofield on Zinc Oxide Mountain
© Rob Kennard

Hannah Whaley on 'Jurassic Shift'

Jurassic Shift
Hannah Whaley on 'Jurassic Shift'
© After The Send

Jon Howell looking for his mojo on Pol Pot Had the Lot, Battleship Back Cliff.

Pol Pot Had the Lot
Jon Howell looking for his mojo on Pol Pot Had the Lot, Battleship Back Cliff.
© Ben Stokes

becca having one last try

No Man is an Island
becca having one last try
© mwatson

Si Hudson on Buoys will be Buoys

Buoys will be Buoys
Si Hudson on Buoys will be Buoys
© StuM

Steve Hau climbing Nihil (F7b), Portland

Steve Hau climbing Nihil (F7b), Portland
© sam.sam.sam.ferguson

Ben Corbey on The Fun Factory

The Fun Factory
Ben Corbey on The Fun Factory
© tclewis

Tom making the most of the hands off rest

Pump Hitler
Tom making the most of the hands off rest
© JayLewin

Emmie on Jurassic Shift.

Jurassic Shift
Emmie on Jurassic Shift.
© samparsons

Mitchell Burt on Jurassic Shift - 7a

Jurassic Shift
Mitchell Burt on Jurassic Shift - 7a
© David Staples

Me on No man is an Island 6c

No Man is an Island
Me on No man is an Island 6c
© 1994Monkeyboi

Add Climb name Grade Ticks? Height Crag name
Pol Pot Had the Lot 6b 45 ? Battleship Back...
Sex Cauldron 7b * 10 26m Battleship Back...
Even Better than the Beatles 7b * 40 26m Battleship Back...
Arc of a Fridge 7b * 23 26m Battleship Back...
Dreams Burn Down 7a+ ** 97 27m Battleship Back...
Nihil 7b ** 145 27m Battleship Back...
No Man is an Island 6c *** 687 27m Battleship Back...
Always Have the Edge 6c ** 299 26m Battleship Back...
Pump Hitler 7a+ *** 503 26m Battleship Back...
Buoys will be Buoys 6b+ *** 1417 27m Battleship Back...
Shape Shifter 7c * 107 23m Battleship Back...
Jurassic Shift 7a ** 564 27m Battleship Back...
The Fun Factory 7b ** 82 26m Battleship Back...
Info Freako 7b+ ** 53 27m Battleship Back...
Rave Mission 7b+ ** 19 30m Battleship Back...
Trance Mission 7c ** 10 30m Battleship Back...
The Racing Line 7b+ *** 69 27m Battleship Back...
Zinc Oxide Mountain 7b+ *** 453 28m Battleship Back...
Bending the Rules 7b+ * 3 30m Battleship Back...
Lost Army Expedition 6c+ * 68 18m Battleship Back...
Scapa Flow 6c+ ** 187 19m Battleship Back...
Koenig Class 7a+ * 106 16m Battleship Back...
Raise the Titanic 6b+ * 403 19m Battleship Back...
The Price of Silence 6a ** 1980 19m Battleship Back...
Wave Dodging 7a * 39 19m Battleship Back...
Sink the Bismarck 6c ** 229 21m Battleship Back...
Big Fish 7a 45 17m Battleship Back...
Wiggi Direct 6c+ 61 ? Battleship Back...
Wiggi and Mopoke's Excellent New Hilti 5c * 608 19m Battleship Back...
A Dream of White Porsches 5c * 2015 18m Battleship Back...
The Sound of One Hold Snapping 6b+ * 245 16m Battleship Back...
Electrically-Injected Shed Head 6b+ * 234 16m Battleship Back...
Splat the Cat 6c+ 19 16m Battleship Back...
Shallow End of the Gene Pool 6c * 24 15m Battleship Back...
High Hopes 6c 15 ? Battleship Back...
Pura Vida 5a 28 ? Battleship Back...
Wish We Were in Santorini 3b 27 ? Battleship Back...
Project 'A' 7a * 53 17m Battleship Back...
Searing Tunnel of Re-injury 6b ** 356 17m Battleship Back...
The Cones of Stress 7a+ 4 20m Battleship Back...
Psychic EMF 7a+ ** 147 20m Battleship Back...
God Told Me to Skin You Alive 6c+ * 39 17m Battleship Back...
Roadkill on the Information Superhighway 6b 41 10m Battleship Back...
Error 404 6a+ * 82 8m Battleship Back...
Superfast 6c * 27 8m Battleship Back...
Megahurts 6c+ 16 7m Battleship Back...
Terrorbyte 6b+ 15 7m Battleship Back...
59 stars 11,739 865m 47
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