Beinn Mheadhoin, Strathconon Walking

A nice knobbly hill in a scenic setting above Strathconon, Beinn Mheadhoin offers a quick and easy ascent to a ringside seat on the big peaks of the Strathfarrar range, and surrounding Corbetts. This one earns you a Graham tick, if that's something you're into, but it's well worth the walk even if you're not.

Bac an Eich from Beinn Mheadhoin  © Dan Bailey -
Bac an Eich from Beinn Mheadhoin
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Detailed description

NH2611050822 The access track for Inverchoran house leads across a bridge over the River Meig, and through a pasture. Instead of entering the grounds of the house go left over a bridge to a smaller cottage, then cut right to ford a little burn. Join the track up Gleann Chorainn, then after a few hundred metres go left and follow the stony track quite steeply uphill around the flank of Creagan a' Chaorainn. Though marked as more of a path on some maps, this route has been bulldozed into a private road by the estate. As the ascent eases, you'll pass a deer-fenced area and cross a bridge.
Beinn Mheadhoin from the south  © Dan Bailey -
Beinn Mheadhoin from the south
© Dan Bailey -

NH2675848714 Look out on the right for a narrow stalker's path in the heather (or a few metres further on, a vague quad bike track). This follows the burn of the Am Fuar-alltan upstream, then zigzags uphill onto the northern shoulder of Beinn Mheadhoin.

NH2619048340 Where the trail fades out, head south to pick up its continuation, an obvious right-left diagonal ascent across a steeper slope to a cairn on the skyline. The trail soon dwindles again; follow a line of small cairns south-southwest through rocky knolls and hollows. Bear right for the final ascent to the summit, one of several tops on this complex little hill.
Looking north from Beinn Mheadhoin  © Dan Bailey -
Looking north from Beinn Mheadhoin
© Dan Bailey -

NH2588347765 With time in hand it's worth exploring some of the other tops, perhaps returning via the northern top of Creagan a' Chaorainn; otherwise, go down the way you came.

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