Sgor na Diollaid Walking

Rising between the beautiful wooded glens of Strathfarrar and Cannich, Sgor na Diollaid is a characterful hill, with an interestingly craggy summit and views from the Mullardoch/Affric interior to the Beauly Firth. From the Cannich side, with no road access issues, this popular half day is very worthwhile for anyone, not just Corbett-tickers.

Glen Cannich form the lower slopes of Sgor na Diollaid  © Dan Bailey -
Glen Cannich form the lower slopes of Sgor na Diollaid
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Detailed description

NH2834233484 Heading north-northwest on a narrow walker's path, cross the far track and climb quite steeply onto the shoulder of Carn Doire Leithe. Beyond a level section the path climbs a heathery slope to reach a prominent minor top (496m).

NH2787234505 Here begin to bear more north-northeast, making a steady ascent towards a second minor top (652m). Pass around or go over this, to reach a boggy depression. Continuing in much the same line, carry on uphill on rough ground onto the mountain's knobbly southern tops. Weaving through interesting slabby terrain, head north over a saddle for the final climb to the mini ridge linking the craggy twin summits. The slightly higher eastern summit involves a short scramble, while the western top is easier but still airy - best to visit both.
The scrambly high point of Sgor na Diollaid is fun on a gusty day  © Dan Bailey -
The scrambly high point of Sgor na Diollaid is fun on a gusty day
© Dan Bailey -

NH2818336263 Retrace your steps to the saddle, then bear right to skirt the high ground, before following the broad, rock-studded ridge west. Beyond a col it's a short climb onto the hill's west top, a nice viewpoint overlooking Glen Strathfarrar.
Sgor na Diollaid's twin summit knobbles, from the west top  © Dan Bailey -
Sgor na Diollaid's twin summit knobbles, from the west top
© Dan Bailey -

NH2733135856 Descending south-southeast, pick up a grassy ATV track. This soon begins to trend right towards the Allt Charaidh, and while that makes a nice descent it's not the most direct way home. If you want to save a bit of leg work, leave the track and hold much the same bearing down the grassy hillside, passing west of the minor summit of stage 2 to eventually rejoin the ascent path on Carn Doire Leithe.

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