Sgurr a' Mhuilinn and Meallan nan Uan Walking

Standing far apart from surrounding larger hills, this pair of Corbetts are the high points of a distinctive multi-peaked massif, a dramatic backdrop to the bleak Strath Bran road. But unless you like bogs and felled forestry, don't try approaching from here; the quietly scenic glen of Strathconon is a much more sensible starting point. It's a bit of a slog to gain height, but up on top there's some enjoyable ridge walking, with views of a huge swathe of the north highlands.

Meallan nan Uan from the Creag Ruadh ridge   © Dan Bailey -
Meallan nan Uan from the Creag Ruadh ridge
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NH2941354487 Follow the muddy path to the corner of the woodland fence, then head roughly west-northwest to climb the rough lower slopes on a winning mix of heather and tussocks, with little trace of a trail.

NH2850954649 Above the initial steep ascent the angle eases off. Bear left away from the burn cutting, to climb towards Creag Ruadh; some prominent rocks on the skyline give you something to aim for.

NH2768053936 On this first little summit the prospect improves dramatically, and a nice bit of ridge walking on a well-defined crest leads northwest over a minor top. The ground steepens for a final ascent onto Meallan nan Uan, the pointiest summit of the massif.

NH2636654479 Continuing west, and then northwest, it's a fairly steep and rocky descent; stay a little left to avoid most of the rough stuff. Skirt just right of Carnan Fuar to reach the boggy bealach at the head of Coir' a' Muilinn. It's perfectly possible to climb Sgurr a' Mhuilinn direct from here, but most writers advise making a detour to the northwest end of the massif first; it's a long leg, but worth it for the views if time and visibility are on your side.

NH2567055245 Heading northwest, make a long and slightly rising traverse on rough but reasonable ground, crossing a boggy hollow and passing over a broad shoulder before descending slightly to the Bealach na Siunnachair. Continue uphill towards the Bealach Gaoithe, before bearing right to climb to the summit of Sgurr a' Choire-rainich. There's a dramatic outlook over the craggy north face to the distant Achnasheen road, and views of the Fannaich, Torridon and Coulin peaks.

NH2479256919 Return to the Bealach na Siannachair, then continue east-southeast up the broad ridge. Pass a pool in a peaty hollow before the final steady ascent to the summit of Sgurr a' Mhuilinn.

NH2647755755 Descending southeast, the ground soon steepens, needing some care in winter conditions. Follow the spur downhill, bearing slightly left to avoid some broken outcrops towards the bottom. On the easier angled ground below, veer south to weave a way through a boggy area before crossing the Allt an t-Srathain Mhoir. Follow the south bank of the burn to rejoin your approach route.

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Further Routes

by Dan Bailey UKH

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