Edale to Mam Tor Walking

This short walk from Edale is an easy way to get some great views, tick a summit and pick up an ice cream reward at the end without too much uphill grinding to put young legs off. Although not a long walk, this trip gets you high up quickly and has enough points of interest to keep everyone happy. It never gets too steep and really is short enough for a quick afternoon hit on a weekend when you just want to get out of the house. There are also plenty of possibilities for extensions by dropping down from Hollins Cross, or extending the walk along Rushup Edge before returning to Edale. The walk starts slightly ominously with a section along the road but after that it is good paths all the way. Some of the paths are a little too well used and the erosion on the last section up to Hollins Cross is quite alarming. Once on the main ridge you get majestic views down either side, but there is also a big increase in traffic usually. The ridge is also exposed to any wind that is around and this doesn't let up on the summit of Mam Tor so don't linger long if it is cold. Once you pick up the path leading back down by the road from Mam Nic then it is a quick and easy descent back to the start. Here a choice of cafes and pubs await you.

On the ridge leading up to Mam Tor from Hollins Cross © Alan James - UKC  © Alan James - UKC
On the ridge leading up to Mam Tor from Hollins Cross © Alan James - UKC
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SK1292085253 From the car park, you initially need to walk down the road - take care - but you soon reach the path to Hollins Cross which is signed on the right.

SK1361584499 The final section to Hollins Cross is showing some serious erosion. Prepare yourself at the top for a blast of wind as you reach the exposed ridge. This is also usually the place where there is a sudden increase in traffic.

SK1301084185 There is a path on the right here which leads around the back of Mam Tor - a useful option of it is too windy, or too busy or both.

SK1277883595 The summit of Mam Tor. Have a look for the curiosities embedded in the stones here.

SK1252683428 Once you drop off the summit, make a sharp turn right down a smaller path which leads back to the other side of Mam Tor just above the road. This path then takes you all the way back down to Edale and the car park.

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