Restricted Access

The bouldering at Anston Stones Wood all takes place on land owned by Anston Parish Council. To preserve the good relationship that climbers have with the Parish Council, The British Mountaineering Council have agreed the following guidelines which we ask all climbers to adhere to:

  • Stick to existing footpaths and firm ground, avoid trampling on vegetation
  • Pick up any litter you come across
  • Stay off the railway line
  • Climb only on areas that have already been developed (i.e. Woody’s Rock, the Wave area, Rocky Valley, Hidden Wall, Apprentice Wall, Dukes Wall, Through Post, and Frodo buttress.)

In addition to the above, avoid topping out where possible.

Rockfax Description
Start sitting at a positive right hand broken side-pull, cross with roof using a side-pull, and pinchy undercut, and a lot of body tension, bearing left once over the lip. © Rockfax

UKC Logbook Description
Start from back layaway under roof. Climb through and get establishedon the lip holds then finish left into and up the arete.


Magstone's Best , Bus Punters


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High f8A+
Mid f8A+
Low f8A+
High f8A
Mid f8A
Low f8A
High f7C+
Mid f7C+
Low f7C+
Votes cast 33
Votes cast 26
Style of Ascent
Not Set
Not Set
Route of Interest
Wrestling With My Dangerous Soul

Grade: f8A ***
(Anston Stones Wood)

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