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Rockfax Description
Sit-start 1.5m left of the foot-ledge at the start of Dan's Groove, on an undercut and slot. Gain the lip via undercuts and sidepulls. Swing right and finish up James' Problem. f7B+ finishing up Dan's Groove. © Rockfax

UKC Logbook Description
Sit start under the roof 1.5m left of the small foot ledge at the start of Dan's Groove, on undercut and slot. Gain the lip via undercuts and sidepulls. Swing right and finish up Ned/James's Problem. A lot easier than the given grade if you can span to good hold round lip off start undercut.

Jon Fullwood 25/Jul/2021.


User Date Notes
Boy 3 Sep, 2021 Show βeta
βeta: PLEASE NOTE: there is a special place in hell reserved for 'people of a certain height' who choose to skip the low crux by lanking straight out to the good hold from the start undercut. Ask yourself this - do you really want to spend eternity in the company of people who also lanked past the crux on Powerband?
Show beta
βeta: PLEASE NOTE: there is a special place in hell reserved for 'people of a certain height' who choose to skip the low crux by lanking straight out to the good hold from the start undercut. Ask yourself this - do you really want to spend eternity in the company of people who also lanked past the crux on Powerband?

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High f8A
Mid f8A
Low f8A
High f7C+
Mid f7C+
Low f7C+
High f7C
Mid f7C
Low f7C
Votes cast 1
Style of Ascent
Not Set
Not Set
Route of Interest
Jason's Problem

Grade: f7C+ ***
(Crag X (Derbyshire))

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