Fladda Wall30m E3 5c ***. Nicola Bassnett. 28 Sep 2017.A gem of a climb. The clean wall left of the corner of WSOFhas a crack system near the arete. Climb the overhanging corner in the middle of the wall to gain a substantial ledge on the right. Move up to a horizontal breaks and good gear. Traverse boldly left along the foot ledge using small finger dinks to gain the arete and protection. Start up the crack and then utilise the arete to assist progress. The crack system then trends slightly rightwards on superb rock. Step left at the very top of the wall to afinal move on the arete and a short easy slab.

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Good New Routes in Scotland , Ultimate Scottish Trad Ticklist E1 to E5


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Route of Interest

Grade: E3 5c ***
(Sron na Ciche)

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