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09.00 - 16.30 Monday - Friday

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Last updated on 03/Jun/2016


Dallam Outdoors is one of the country’s leading providers of Outdoor Education for all ages and abilities. We have been running for over 17 years and boast a provision spanning educational, recreational and qualification courses, as well as exciting and adventurous expeditions.

We are particularly well known for our unique Outdoor Instructor Training but we also run National Governing Body training and qualification courses and a huge range of recreational activities. We also have over 10 years’ experience of running school holiday activities for children aged 6 to 15 years.

Dallam is located in an ideal part of the country - about 5 miles south of Kendal in Cumbria and close to the borders of Lancashire and Yorkshire, giving us easy access to a wide range of beautiful locations. We have expert staff and excellent resources all dedicated to providing the highest quality and most practical courses on offer anywhere – so, what are you waiting for?

For more information on our latest courses and events, head to our website at:, call us on 015395 65956 or drop us an email to: [email protected]


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