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10 euros person per day

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Last updated on 20/Jun/2013


This is a 3 bedroom duplex flat, situated on the 4th floor (lift), with views to the mountains in a quiet town of 3.000 citizens called La Pobla de Segur. It is a perfect place to chill, rest, and also with big potential in the adventure sports, like climbing , trekking rafting, riding horse...Two rivers pass through the town and lead on a big lake. The climbing area is very close from the town, 5 min car the nearest. Collegats famous for multipich and sport climbing.The topos from the area in bar Astoret.

The flat has maximum space for 5 persons, there is a double bed room, a room with bunk bed, and another with single bed, all rooms even the bathroom are situated in the second floor, in the first floor there is the kitchen, the dining room and the living room with an small balcony. The flat is fully furnished, with fridge, freezer, washing machine, microwave, TV... It's an illuminated flat, and it's close from everywhere: supermarkets, shops, and playground.
for further information please contact me at [email protected]
Also i can give you a good advice about climbing areas,situation of them...


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