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Last updated on 06/Jan/2011


Since I began my climbing career, I have strived to learn as much as I can regarding the body's mental, physical and technical performance whilst climbing. With the help of my friends, coaches and a great deal of reading and personal experience, I have learned many paths to enhancing all areas of a climber's performance. I don’t claim to know everything there is to know about training and becoming a better rock climber - no-one really does for that matter - yet I am always learning and my enthusiasm for the sport has brought me very far indeed. I have travelled the world climbing outdoors and taking part in competitions and train rigorously 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year at EICA: Ratho (Edinburgh International Climbing Arena) and on my board at home.

I have helped coach some of Britain’s top youth competition climbers such as Natalie Berry, Jonathan Field and Angus Davidson (Edinburgh locals) and I work alongside a team of incredibly talented and enthusiastic climbers and coaches. All of these things put together have helped me become the climber and coach that I am today. At the moment, my work involves coaching the EICA: Ratho Competition Climbing Team (18 young Scots aiming for top places at the British Youth Climbing Series), coaching various members of the British Team, Route-setting part-time at EICA: Ratho, private coaching and of course being as much of a full-time climber as I can manage - which means training every hour that God gives me that I don’t use making other climbers better.

My fee for personal coaching is £25 an hour, however if you purchase 5 sessions with me then I will give one more free. I advise that each session lasts around 2 hours (especially for the first few!) as this allows me to see your technical, mental and physical abilities much clearer and in more detail. Along with the sessions, I can provide monthly programs for you to follow which I can tailor specifically to suit your own needs.

Initial Assessment Sessions
The initial assessment session is simply the first session we have. It takes the form of me watching you climbing, doing different types of climbing on either the boulders or on routes. The first session I need to analyse how you climb, what your sessions are like, etc… So first of, we will go over warming up at the wall. During the second part, I will be analyzing your technique and giving you coaching tips whilst this is going on. We will discuss throughout the session your regular climbing activities such as what you do when you come to the wall. By the time the session has ended, we will have a lot to discuss whether it be climbing movement related, psychological, physical or even tactical e.g. how you prepare for climbs? I will have a good grounding now of you as a climber and will be able to start formulating a training plan and set of goals for you to try and achieve.

Subsequent Assessment Sessions
Any subsequent assessment sessions are spent mostly watching you climbing as well as discussing your training and how you have felt doing it. From this session I can continue to delve deeper into your performance, helping you with any issues during the session as well as strengthening my understanding of your personal climbing and how to continue developing your program to suit your needs and maintain your upward progression.

One off sessions
As well as the regular sessions, simple one off climbing sessions are an excellent way to get an expert opinion on how to advance and what you need to be doing to continue seeing improvements in your climbing.
If you are interested in coaching please contact me at [email protected]

£25 an hour Coaching (1:1)
£35 an hour Coaching (1:2)
£45 an hour Coaching (1:3 or 4)
£170 a day for Groups or Clubs
£100 for full training programs (Periodised and Progressive)


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