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mon-fri 9.30-18.30 sat 9-1800 sun 11-17

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Last updated on 20/Jun/2013


Cotswold Outdoor Birmingham 2010 Tent Show
Cotswold in Birmingham are hosting their annual tent show from the 5th to the 13th June. With over 40 different tents in stock and a large number on display at their New St site there is something for everyone, be that taking your family camping for the fist time, or getting ready for a winter trip to Scotland. Knowledgeable and experienced staff who have a real passion for the outdoors will be on hand to help you select the right tent for you, and with prices starting from just £45 what better reason to ‘get outdoors’ this year!
Please ring 0121 616 2920 or email [email protected] for more details or visit our store at 105 New St, Birmingham, B2 4EU.


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