Winter Climbing in Slovenia

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 doughobbs 12 Jun 2024

Yeah it's June I know but planning needs doing!

Has anyone done any ice climbing in Slovenia? I'm looking for any info on areas, guidebooks, good dates to go over the winter period, places to avoid parking info etc. if possible.

Have been to Slovenia several times though only ever in summer and time was spent on Triglav (from the south/southwest sides only) and in the main caving areas so I'm coming at this with no info at all.


 Spready 13 Jun 2024
In reply to doughobbs:

I'll be that way on a work trip during January probably, so watching this thread with interest...

 Jeff Ingman 13 Jun 2024
In reply to Spready:

I've been over there twice for winter climbing, partnered with Slovenians so I was shown around and guide books weren't a problem. Both my trips were at the end of January but I'm aware that conditions can be fickle now, as with most places.

The places that we climbed, and the routes were as good as any of the normal European destinations - but we had good conditions. Had to use skis (hired) for approach after a couple of days of heavy snow.

We climbed at Trenta, Val Mlinarica, Krnica, Prisojnik and Planica Tamar

The only guide I have that cover some of the Slovenian routes is Mario Sertori's Alpine ice. It's a selected climbs book but has about 50 pages on Slovenia.

I thought the grades were tough, they don't give much away!


 Spready 13 Jun 2024
In reply to Jeff Ingman:

Thanks for the location info.. 

 Toerag 14 Jun 2024
In reply to Jeff Ingman:

> I thought the grades were tough, they don't give much away!

Slovenians do seem to be pretty hard and hardcore - their VFs had plenty of serious/dangerous sections which would have been cabled up elsewhere in the alps.

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