Trekking in Bhutan - Taking On The Lunana Snowman

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It may not be the toughest trek in the world, as sometimes claimed, but it's up there with the greatest. Join Natalie Wilson on this month-long journey along herder's trails high in the unique Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan, a country where the mountains are considered too sacred to climb. 

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In reply to UKC/UKH Articles:

What a fantastic looking country.

I just watched the film at Natalie's recommendation. Really good gentle family movie, beautifully shot, felt real, a welcome change from Marvel crap. The kids seemed genuinely surprised at how poor some people in the world still are; guess we need to get them out more.

 Natalie Wilson 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Dan Bailey -

Really glad you watched and enjoyed the film Dan. It is eye opening on a number of levels isn't it.  A lot of local people featured in the film, I think that really adds to the real feel of it. 

 Robert Durran 01 Jul 2024
In reply to UKC/UKH Articles:

What a fabulous looking place.

The film Lunana is currently on iplayer:

It is simply a masterpiece in every way. I cannot recommend it too highly.

Post edited at 13:38
 CathS 01 Jul 2024
In reply to UKC/UKH Articles:

Just wish I'd done this trek about 20 years ago when it wasn't quite as fabulously expensive as it now is!

It does look amazing.

 gld73 02 Jul 2024
In reply to Dan Bailey -

I watched the film a few months ago after someone recommended it on a forum thread here - a lovely film, definitely a worthwhile watch. Probably the nearest I'll ever get to hiking in Bhutan unfortunately!

 Greenbanks 04 Jul 2024
In reply to UKC/UKH Articles:

Terrific article. An isolated place alright. I've worked there on 3 occasions & it leaves an indelible impression on most who see it. Besides, the flight between Delhi and Paro is perhaps a must-do for anyone with even the vaguest interest in the hills. The full southern flank of the Himalaya can be seen at close quarters. Make sure you choose your seat wisely though!

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