NEWS: Plea From Estate After Trees Felled at Cairngorm Bothies

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 UKC/UKH News 20 May 2024

Rangers at the National Trust for Scotland's Mar Lodge Estate have issued a plea for responsible behaviour after it was reported that live trees have been felled for fuel by bothy users at both Bob Scot's and the Hutchison Hut in two separate incidents at the weekend.

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 Suncream 20 May 2024
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

"No relation" 😂

 stone elworthy 23 May 2024
In reply to UKC/UKH News:

It would be a good idea IMO to take out any fireplaces/woodburners from these bothys. I wish the BBC Winterwatch program didn't have them sitting around a woodfire. We have to face up to the realities of living on a planet with 8billion people. That means stuff like woodburning just doesn't work.

In reply to Suncream:

Sorry! I know it's a serious topic but I just had to

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