What is hatchet climbing

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 Godwin 21 Jul 2024

I was chatting with an acquaintance yesterday and he mentioned he likes climbing, and I asked what type of climbing and he mentioned bouldering and some kind of Go Ape thing, and Hatchet climbing.

Hatchet climbing says I?

I assumed he was speaking of Drytooling, and asked a few more questions, but I do not think that was it. He said he did it in Wales in a slate quarry, and it sounded like chopping into a shale slope, and placing some kind of protection l, on lead. He said you could fall, but at the bottom it ramped away, and with luck you would tumble down this.

I am rather mystified tbh, does any of this make any sense?

Post edited at 09:47
 Tom Valentine 21 Jul 2024
In reply to Godwin:

I immediately thought of Kirk Douglas in "The Vikings".

 JIMBO 21 Jul 2024
In reply to Godwin:

the only Hatchett climbing I remember was to climb and cut loose every move like Mike Hatchett in the Masters of Stone videos. 🤣

 Andrew Wilson 21 Jul 2024
In reply to Godwin:

> I was chatting with an acquaintance yesterday and he mentioned he likes climbing, and I asked what type of climbing and he mentioned bouldering and some kind of Go Ape thing, and Hatchet climbing.

> Hatchet climbing says I?

> I assumed he was speaking of Drytooling, and asked a few more questions, but I do not think that was it. He said he did it in Wales in a slate quarry, and it sounded like chopping into a shale slope, and placing some kind of protection l, on lead. He said you could fall, but at the bottom it ramped away, and with luck you would tumble down this.

> I am rather mystified tbh, does any of this make any sense?

Sounds like a trip to White Goods! 

Don't Tumble (D6+)

OP Godwin 21 Jul 2024
In reply to Andrew Wilson:

Possibly, but TBH it did not sound like it to me. The term “hatchet” is a tad odd, and not how I would expect someone to refer to an Ice Axe if they had no knowledge. I wondered if whoever had taken him had referred to it has Hatchet climbing. I see him around, so I will try and get some more information out of him. 
When he first mentioned Hatchet I thought it might be climbing Telegraph poles or something.

In reply to Godwin:

I think it’s most likely a non-climber getting a ‘pick axe’ weirdly confused with a hatchet.

 aln 21 Jul 2024
In reply to Gordon Stainforth:

> ‘pick axe’

Ice pick surely? That's the usual non climber term for an ice axe.

Routes with death potential, used to be called chop routes. I've also heard them called hatchet routes. Could it be that?

Post edited at 23:59

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