Picos de europa child friendly climbing

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 Jimmy2977 13 Jul 2024

Just wondering if anyone has any tips on good child friendly places to climb in the Picos de Europa?

I'm going on holiday in August with my wife and 8 year old son. We're staying near Potes

We're looking to do some low grade single pitch climbing (sport or trad) and / or scrambling


 Simon King 14 Jul 2024
In reply to Jimmy2977:

Buy the Roca Verde guide and each crag highlights if it's child friendly, short walk in etc.

 Exile 14 Jul 2024
In reply to Jimmy2977:

Places de Esquilleu is good for this, it's in the Hermida gorge that runs north from Potes. Lots of grade 4 through to 6a. It's in the Roca Verde guide if you know anybody with a copy.

There is also a guidebook in Spanish called Picos de Europa, 37 vias de escalade clasica de III a V grado. It has good photo topos. This has a good number of easy mountain routes you can do off the top of the Fuenta De cable car. However, I got this guide to provide back up plans for a trip with friends if we couldn't climb our main objectives, so haven't actually done any routes from this guide. 

To be honest walking around in the higher Picos is pretty scrambly in its own right and gets you into some amazing places. 

 earlsdonwhu 14 Jul 2024
In reply to Jimmy2977:

Many years ago we climbed on some mini crags outside Arenas I think. Topo available in local tourist office or bookshop?

OP Jimmy2977 16 Jul 2024
In reply to earlsdonwhu:

Thanks, sounds worth a look

OP Jimmy2977 16 Jul 2024
In reply to Exile:

Great tips thanks

OP Jimmy2977 16 Jul 2024
In reply to Simon King:

Thanks I'll check it out

 Ben Farley 16 Jul 2024
In reply to Jimmy2977:

Alright Jimmy. I will lend you the Roca Verde guide. I'll drop it round at yours along with some recomendations (although my knowledge of the lower grade, child friendly crags is limited, I've been to many crags in Asturias).

I can point you at some mountain scramble stuff too. In fact, I have a Picos multi pitch guide too and it probably has some scrambles in it.

OP Jimmy2977 17 Jul 2024
In reply to Jimmy2977:

Top man, thanks Ben

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