Storing camera gear in Chamonix - can anyone help?

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 FreeloaderJoe 10 Jul 2024

Hello all,

Driving down to Cham this weekend to stay for 10 days, but a long time work project is still in the offing which means (I am a television cameraman by trade) I have to bring my gear with me.

I think it's highly unlikely that the job happens this summer, but I am really bound to doing it if it does which will mean jumping on a plane from Geneva... but also means hauling 4 pelicases round with me and various other rubbish. 

Does anyone have a place I can safely store them in Chamonix from Saturday/Sunday for a week or so?

Post edited at 11:47
 Timy2 11 Jul 2024
In reply to FreeloaderJoe:

Leave them at left luggage Geneva airport train station.  its just through rotating door between airport and train station.

OP FreeloaderJoe 14 Jul 2024
In reply to FreeloaderJoe:

All sorted now! Thanks!

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