Birds on Lundy

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 BusyLizzie 05 Jul 2024

I am going to be on Lundy for a holiday in a couple of weeks' time, not climbing. I am not much of a bird-watcher but it must be right to be one for that week. Apart from puffins, who I think will have packed their little suitcases and gone by later in the month, what should I be looking out for?

Yes I know I can it up, but would love to hear from the excellent birders on here.

In reply to BusyLizzie:

Have a look at recent sightings on  . It also shows the year list on the first page. 

Post edited at 08:05
 CantClimbTom 05 Jul 2024
In reply to BusyLizzie:


There are trips available to can swim with them either snorkeling, or better if you have open water/ocean diver then you can dive. The coves about Lundy are known as one of the best dive sites!

Failing all that you can wave at them from a boat, they don't always wave back through, tough audience 

 rustaldo 05 Jul 2024
In reply to BusyLizzie:

Buy the map and clues from the shop and try to find all the letter-boxes  

You'll see loads of birds, seals and the island if you get them all!  

 Tom Valentine 05 Jul 2024
In reply to BusyLizzie:

You might not see much of them but just to hear the manx shearwaters is an unforgettable experience. 

 Bottom Clinger 05 Jul 2024
In reply to BusyLizzie:

I reckon you might still see a few puffins. 

In reply to Tom Valentine:

Absolutely; this is the single must-do. Not so long ago there were places you needed to know where to go at night to hear them, but now almost anywhere on the island will do. A walk down the beach road on a dark night, for instance.

Taking a pair of binoculars down to peer into Deep Zawn (the edge on the opposite side to Antiworlds) to see (and hear) the razorbill colony, if they're still there, is a favourite.


OP BusyLizzie 05 Jul 2024
In reply to all:

Thank you all, I am making a list. Will report back.

 Bobling 06 Jul 2024
In reply to BusyLizzie:

Ahh, you lucky thing!  Camping or Landmark Trust?

My (current) favourite is the Gannet.  Gorgeous colouring, and such a dramatic sight to see them diving into the sea.  Look out (or listen out) for Peregrines too.  Make sure you take some binoculars!

Agree with what someone else has said - do the letterboxing, it's a great game and a great way to see the island just take it slowly and enjoy it rather than rushing from pillar to post to get it done (unless that's your thing in which case crack on!).  I haven't completed yet and have been chipping away for about four trips, it's a lovely thing to come back to. Good luck with Earthquake : )

Again agree with someone else about the seals, you can spend an age watching them.  If you go to the old landing stage for the North Light at high tide there is a lovely zawn where if you are lucky you can watch them cavorting underwater, it looks a bit of a sketchy approach but just follow the old rail tracks and don't hang on to the rotted handrails and it's fine.


OP BusyLizzie 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Bobling:

Landmark Trust (lucky me!) - Upper flat in the Old Light.

Ah yes I remember gannets!

 Bobling 06 Jul 2024
In reply to BusyLizzie:

Ah fab, stayed there a few times. Last time we were there there were Peregrines around the buttresses just NW of the light, I forget what they are called now.  Have a great time!

 mbh 06 Jul 2024
In reply to BusyLizzie:

> Landmark Trust (lucky me!) - Upper flat in the Old Light.

Have a great time. I've only been once, camping with two young daughters. I'd love to go back.

 Tom Valentine 06 Jul 2024
In reply to BusyLizzie:

Ticked six different Lundy Landmarks but never the Old Light. Also slummed it on the campsite for a few nights. My next choice would be Tibbets.

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