Best guide book review ever?

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 Colin Wells 02 Jul 2024
In reply to Misha:


 TobyA 02 Jul 2024
In reply to Misha:

I saw it from Paul's facebook post earlier. It is rather amusing, although it did leave me wondering, is it worth buying for average weekend VS punter such as myself? I would imagine that anything worth doing in the easier grades was done multiple decades ago so is probably in one of the numerous North Wales selected climbs guidebooks I already have?

OP Misha 03 Jul 2024
In reply to TobyA:

It’s a great guide book which I’d say is worth buying anyway, if you like guide books. If only to read descriptions for routes and cliffs you’d want to steer clear of! There’s easier stuff scattered around and very little of that is in the Ground Up. In fact some of the easier routes are new. 

 Sam Beaton 03 Jul 2024
In reply to Misha:

Avernus is apparently well trodden and solid 😂

 Lankyman 03 Jul 2024
In reply to Misha:

The best guidebook review I recall reading was for one of the 1980s Lancashire editions (was it the 1987 version, the one I didn't buy since I'd moved away?). I think it appeared in one of the several climbing magazines of the day. Perhaps someone has a link to it.

ETA: and I think Mick Lovatt starred on the cover of that as well (White Scar)

Post edited at 10:22
 jon 03 Jul 2024
In reply to TobyA:

> It is rather amusing, although it did leave me wondering, is it worth buying for average weekend VS punter such as myself? 

Go on, you know you want to ! And don't put yourself down !

 Rick Graham 03 Jul 2024
In reply to Misha:

Brilliant read, thanks.

Only problem is, I am still undecided whether to visit the Llyn, it all seems too frightening.

Regarding the TPM moniker, I once had the original tale explained to me by one of the Lancs team in the presense of a smirking smiling Mick.

Cannot elaborate, I will get banned,  again

 Andy Clarke 03 Jul 2024
In reply to Misha:

I've only done one route on the Llyn, Who's Who (E2 5c), which for a single pitch gave us a fantastic and adventurous day out. I'd love to go back, but unfortunately, advancing years means we're no longer up to that sort of grade. I've got the old guide. Is there a breakdown of how many routes at each grade the new guide contains available anywhere? I've checked the CC website, but it doesn't have that info.

 Pedro50 03 Jul 2024
In reply to Rick Graham:

TPM was the best Hacky Sack player I've ever had the pleasure of engaging with, Bonniere camp site circa 1980's.

 Rick Graham 03 Jul 2024
In reply to Pedro50:

He might be multi talented but still has not made me a 15 pane glazed interior door promised in 1982.

> TPM was the best Hacky Sack player I've ever had the pleasure of engaging with, Bonniere camp site circa 1980's.

 Ramon Marin 03 Jul 2024
In reply to Misha:

Can't be the most dangerous cliff if no one in those pics are wearing a helmet...

OP Misha 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Ramon Marin:

Perhaps a fall would be lethal anyway…

 Ramon Marin 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Misha:

Yes I wasn't thinking about falls, I assume you can't fall. But the book bangs on about how loose it is and they are not wearing helmets. 

OP Misha 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Ramon Marin:

Agree it’s rather odd.

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