Rope wanted.

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 Ed_Fryer 01 Jul 2024

Having another go at this. Please excuse a post from a non-climber. 

I'm after some unwanted, 2nd hand dynamic rope. Preferably about 8mm (I understand from the limited research I've done this is commonly used in twin/double usage?).  I'm looking for about 30m, but will take whatever people have. 

This will absolutely not be for any form of suspension - rather, it's for use as a boat tow rope. The dynamic aspect is helpful in reducing shock loadings during towing. I'd be very happy to sign a waiver about not using it for suspension. 

I'm SW London based, so would be happy to collect, or pay postage, and a fair price for the rope. 

Many thanks! 

 Pedro50 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Ed_Fryer:

I've got a 50m 9mm in good nick, retired through age alone. Happy to post at cost. P.m me if interested.


 jimtitt 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Ed_Fryer:

Nylon can be a hassle as a boat tow rope, it sinks though there are specific floating blends available, you only Back onto your own tow rope once! Our marina work-boat tow line was polypropylene.

 Rick Graham 02 Jul 2024
In reply to jimtitt:

Declaration that I no interest in and generally dislike water sports.

Local sea fishermen met  at work used to like having my old climbing ropes as they apparently had an ideal buoyancy level for some use.

Towing cars I have always been pleased to have the stretch left in old climbing ropes. Was horrified when the local garage towed my van several miles  ( jumped cambelt , took 7 mechanics to discover) using a thick static rope. Somehow it did not get ripped in half.

On tow rope knots, always pleasing when my accidently discovered knot unties easily after being loaded to almost breaking point.

 jimtitt 02 Jul 2024
In reply to Rick Graham:

Pot lines or anything anchored in the sea you use weighted or sinking line otherwise there's a load of invisible rope floating on the surface waiting for a propellor.

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