Sold: Lightweight tent pegs and guy lines. Brand New.

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 Run_Ross_Run (user since 25/May/09) 28 Jun 2024
The seller has now marked this as sold
Price: £25.00

Brand new, unused. 

10 qty 16cm

8 qty 18cm

6 lightweight reflective guy lines approx 6ft each.

Storage bag.

Bacs only. Uk delivery included. 

Post edited at 07:59

In reply to Run_Ross_Run:


OP Run_Ross_Run 28 Jun 2024
In reply to IPlaceBoltsAtStanage:

> Messaged

Nnothing received. 

OP Run_Ross_Run 06 Jul 2024
In reply to Run_Ross_Run:


OP Run_Ross_Run 20 Jul 2024
In reply to Run_Ross_Run:

Still for sale. Taking offers

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