REVIEW: Scarpa Origin VS

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 UKC Gear 24 Jun 2024

Aimed at beginners in terms of comfort, but with enough performance to progress with you, the Origin VS excels in its primary niche - low to midrange indoor bouldering. Even if you're no longer a beginner this is an easy shoe to love, say Rob Greenwood and Penny Orr.

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 philesra 28 Jun 2024
In reply to UKC Gear:

Intriguing cheap shoe! Any tips on sizing versus Scarpa Drago LV?

 TobyA 28 Jun 2024
In reply to philesra:

> Intriguing cheap shoe! 

It's funny that you say that because I was thinking 110 quid is an awful lot for a "beginner shoe", but I guess that's a reflection of just how much all climbing shoes have gone up in the last 4 years or so. 

A few years ago Decathlon has a Scarpa shoe which I think was called the Origin - if I remember correctly it was in a special colour that just Decathlon seemed to have, at least in Europe. I nearly bought a pair because they were something like 70 quid. Hence 110 seems rather expensive in comparison.

 philesra 29 Jun 2024
In reply to TobyA:

Only cheap compared with the Drago's list price of 155 quid, perhaps...but that's quite a gap.

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