Bird on my birdtable/trampoline

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 veteye 18 Jun 2024

I use my daughter's old trampoline as a bird food distribution area. It seems to keep the rodents from getting to it. 

Just now, I think that I may have had a young Raven on the birdtable. I have never seen a Raven around here before (or I had failed to identify them). Is it possible? I did not have long enough to go and get my camera or phone to photograph it, but it had a longer head, than a Crow, or so it seemed. It was not as abrupt between the bill and the rest of the head.

I love Corvids, but I do sometimes have difficulty identifying them. The problem is photographing them, as they fly off at the merest movement inside the house, let alone outside.

 McHeath 18 Jun 2024
In reply to veteye:

Does sound like it could have been a Raven, head and beak are more massive than with Crows. If you see it flying - the tail is kind of diamond shaped; with a Crow the back edge is straight.

 Bottom Clinger 18 Jun 2024
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

> Anyone seen a hooded crow?

Loads, west coast of Scotland is where I’ve seen most, where they replace the carrion crow. 

 Mike-W-99 18 Jun 2024
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

Yes, got a hoodie in the garden yesterday. Fleeting visit. Rooks & Jackdaws are more frequent visitors.

 McHeath 18 Jun 2024
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

There´s nearly nothing but in Berlin; further West there are only Carrion Crows, but we´re near enough to the dividing line to sometimes get hybrids. Here´s one where the Carrion is dominant:

In reply to posters:

Amazing, In almost 50 years on the planet, never seen a single one. Midlands based, but well traveled.

 Martin W 18 Jun 2024
In reply to McHeath:

We get hoodie/carrion hybrids in and around Edinburgh.  I often see them on the coast eg Portobello beach and similar locations in East Lothian.  The other day one turned up in my garden in south Edinburgh, which was a first for me.

 Dave Garnett 18 Jun 2024
In reply to veteye:

> Just now, I think that I may have had a young Raven on the birdtable. I have never seen a Raven around here before (or I had failed to identify them). Is it possible?

Yes they love a trampoline.  Crows are just not heavy enough to make it work.

 Darron 18 Jun 2024
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

you see them occasionally on Anglesey.

They replace Carrion Crow in Ireland.

OP veteye 18 Jun 2024
In reply to TheDrunkenBakers:

Thank you all.

I spent many a week on Skye as a student, with friends from there, and we saw the hooded crows all the time.

I went up Ben More on Mull recently, and was glad to revisit the species, as it now properly recognised, and no longer a mere subspecies.

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