Glove box pump

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 wjvt 15 Jun 2024

Okay this is a bit of a niche one but I use a glove box at work and get crazy pump levels in the fleshy bit of my hand below my thumb (think getting hand jam pumped), I guess due to the overpressure they're kept at. Other people at work don't get this and wondered if it's a climber thing or a me thing. If anyone has encountered this please share your solutions, I can only hack about 10 mins at a time before I have to take my hands out and shake out/massage my hands!

 artif 15 Jun 2024
In reply to wjvt:

Are the gloves fitted the right way round?

Or badly fitting gloves. 

 daWalt 15 Jun 2024
In reply to wjvt:

I occasionally get similar thenar muscle pump / cramp.

not quite a quickly as 10 min, but I think (not 100% because it doesn't happen that often) - it happens when I need to whole-hand grip things with baggy ill-fitting gloves.

you could try wearing thinnies underneath to fill out the box gloves. or try various means of holding things, use tongs or suchlike.

but yes, it happens and it's a pita.

 aln 15 Jun 2024
In reply to wjvt:

I read the thread title and thought it would be about tyre pumps kept in the glove box of your car. Then I realised it was one of those box things where scientists examine microbes from space, that rapidly evolve into slimy creatures that escape the box, then turn into horrible death monsters that threaten the future of the human race!!! Be careful. 

 Ridge 16 Jun 2024
In reply to wjvt:

> I guess due to the overpressure they're kept at.

Shouldn't your glovebox be under negative pressure?

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