Japan/Tokyo trip partner wanted (to include hiking/scrambling...)

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 FallingUp 10 Jun 2024

Hello All

I have to go to Tokyo in the next week or three to take care of a small amount of personal business.  I am not Japanese but I know Japan and especially Tokyo quite well and speak a bit of the language.

Nothing is definitively planned, but since it's a long flight, i'm not against spending about a week or so there (flexible).  Left to my own devices, I'd probably split my time between the low mountains just to the west of tokyo and tokyo itself.   The mountains west of Tokyo are hardly K2, but i find they're great for hiking, trail running, etc and and really beautiful.    I even own a little house out there, but unfortunately it is not currently habitable (needs work - part of the purpose of my trip is to organise this). 

Looking for a partner or partners for the trip.   If said partners were particularly ambitious, we could take sub-trips further afield, such as kamikochi (japan's chamonix) or fuji.  Its a little early in the season, bit if you're on this forum presumably you have a pair of crampons somewhere so it can happen (we might not even need them).   Or, we can also just hang around the local mountains of Tokyo and combine this with more general tokyo stuff, especially if it's your first visit.      I have been to all of these places before several times and have even guided groups up some of the mountains in the past (note: i am not an official guide of any sort).

I hope to structure the trip so that if we gel and get along and have common interests then we can do stuff together and if our interests diverge a bit more then that'd be fine too. It almost goes without saying that there's plenty to do in tokyo, and, again, I can help point you in the right direction I know the place quite well.

I am 49, Male and in the infrequent times i still partake it's wine, not beer.  My body is not where it used to be in my glory days of trail running and mountaineering, but I still enjoy getting out when i can.  I find that time out there (those mountains specifically) is great for the mind body and soul such that by time I get back I am a different person,.   I don't do rock climbing beyond scrambling.  Looking for interesting, thoughtful companions male or female.   Can fly from London or Manchester - I have good status on several airlines that lets us get lounge access, extra luggage, better seats, etc if we book together.  Our trip will be cost efficient and sensible but my budget travel days are behind me.    Sometimes I book with a long stopover in another city just to have an interesting small experience. 

I live within a reasonable drive from snowdonia and perhaps we could do a horseshoe or just crib goch together beforehand to get to know.

The timing of the trip is flexible, but should be relatively soon.   PM if interested.

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