Where were these 1918 family photos taken?

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 inglesp 06 Jun 2024

These pictures from 1918 have come down through my wife's family, and we wonder if anybody on UKC might be able to shed some light on where they might have been taken.

They're captioned:

> Stanage Edge: Harry RANSON on home leave after the Battle of Cambrai February/March 1918. Harry standing behind Jessie IBBOTSON. Man crouching is Jessie’s older brother, the saw manufacturer, George IBBOTSON (jnr), in front of him his wife Vera BISHOP. Moustachioed man sitting is Arthur WILKINSON. His wife, formerly Mary IBBOTSON, one of Jessie’s sister is presumably behind the camera.

> 038 See Stanage Edge above. This time Arthur WILKINSON taking photo and Mary IBBOTSON in the frame.

But it doesn't look like gritstone to me.  The family lived in or near Sheffield at the time.

 TobyA 06 Jun 2024
In reply to inglesp:

No insight into where it is, but I agree it doesn't look like grit at Stanage. I think it looks more like quarried limestone...?

OP inglesp 06 Jun 2024
In reply to TobyA:

And I suppose that any limestone quarries are likely to be unrecognisable a century later!

 El Greyo 06 Jun 2024
In reply to inglesp:

It looks a bit like Stoney, but there are lots of limestone crags in the Peak.

 robert-hutton 06 Jun 2024
In reply to inglesp:

High tor or fern grotto?

Post edited at 16:26
 Brass Nipples 06 Jun 2024
In reply to inglesp:

Winnats Pass?

 DizzyT 06 Jun 2024
In reply to inglesp:

I’d guess somewhere near a railway line. Buxton-Matlock was still open then but I’d guess Winnats/Odin Mine

 Fredt 06 Jun 2024
In reply to inglesp:


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