Petzl Rad Line

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 Fredt 05 Jun 2024

Anyone had experience of using this?
I'm considering it purely for emergency abseil use when soloing, e.g. long scrambles, easier alpine plods etc.

 Rick Graham 05 Jun 2024
In reply to Fredt:

> Anyone had experience of using this?

> I'm considering it purely for emergency abseil use when soloing, e.g. long scrambles, easier alpine plods etc.

Worth reading Colin Haley's blog, can't link on here but found it first hit today searching " colin haley rad line".

Years ago, after issues with 50m of 6mm, decided 28m of 7mm accessory cord and 25m of 8.5 mm dynamic gave the optimum for soloing alpine rock routes up  to TD.

OP Fredt 10 Jun 2024
In reply to Fredt:

The Colin Read post, seems to imply the Rad line be used in conjunction with a heavier rope when abseiling, Petzl make no mention of this and, as far as I can tell, say it can be used double for abseiling. 
Any other thoughts?

 chiroshi 11 Jun 2024
In reply to Fredt:

Lots of skiers use it for accessing couloirs. No reason why it wouldn't work just as well without the added difficulties of snow and ice. 

Only disadvantage to a heavier rope is abrasion resistance and having a device that'll give you enough friction. 

 CantClimbTom 11 Jun 2024
In reply to Fredt:

Emergency use... Is it time to post that link about the Beal escaper?


Post edited at 15:10
 RBK 11 Jun 2024
In reply to Fredt:

There's some good, clear Rad Line advice on Dave Searle's Instagram: and Youtube:

Post edited at 15:28
 wayne1965 30 Jun 2024
In reply to CantClimbTom:

I have a Beal Escaper and I have used it in a real situation with a single 50m/8.9mm rope .... retreating off Les Droites twice ..... it works ..... it holds securely during the abseil and it releases when you want to retrieve the rope for the next abseil. Obviously as with all aspects of abseiling ... you need to be a somewhat anul to ensure no FU!

4 x40m abseils over mixed ground

Post edited at 18:51
 RM199 30 Jun 2024
In reply to Fredt:

I’ve used it for caving the wrong side of a sump a long way from home. 

My thoughts are petzl don’t actually rate anything for use with it, but do sell it in a cravesse rescue kit with nano traxion and tibloc for hauling so presumably they’re ok for up! For abseiling on a single strand I used an Italian hitch on a second Italian hitch on the hip and it worked ok.

a double Italian hitch would probably work ok too but go test it somewhere with a back up. 

Will be a great bit of kit once the devices catch up with it!

In reply to RM199:

> a double Italian hitch would probably work ok too but go test it somewhere with a back up. 

Yes, a double Italian hitch works fine with a rad line.

 Rick Graham 30 Jun 2024
In reply to Stefan Jacobsen:

I find italian hitches really twist the rope  abseiling.

Apparently worst when the out rope is in line with in rope, ie straight. Better if rope is doubling back, like if lowering.

Allegedly double munter doesnt twist, never tied one in anger.

Using two , did you try one tied left hand the other tied right hand?

Just got a new 7.9 and 5mm combo to try out for abseiling.

 RM199 30 Jun 2024
In reply to Rick Graham:

Sorry may not have been clear. One Italian hitch higher up the rope and one below. Therefore only one rope only through one hand

 Rick Graham 01 Jul 2024
In reply to RM199:

I found your earlier post clear and understood, I think.  

On very thin ropes, its easiest to get the required friction using two in line devices or hitches.

Just finding the best way to do it, will have some experimenting and report back.

In reply to Fredt:

If abseiling on very thin ropes like a Rad Line I often put both strands of rope through only one of holes on my belay plate, and add a second karabiner to increase friction. 

OP Fredt 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Tom Ripley Mountain Guide:

Thanks Tom
I was going to clarify that I was looking into using the Rad line as an emergency abseil rope, doubled, and not as a tag line etc.

 Rick Graham 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Fredt:

> Thanks Tom

> I was going to clarify that I was looking into using the Rad line as an emergency abseil rope, doubled, and not as a tag line etc.

As I alluded to upthread, the advantage of having  lengths of both dynamic and  accessory or radline is that you can arrange protection on dodgy or short crux sections. Back roping,  back looping etc as appropriate. 

 Alta Via 15 Jul 2024
In reply to Fredt:

For abseiling on a single strand of skinny rope (eg when using an Escaper), a standard belay device with 2 rope slots works well. Pass the rope through one slot and then take the free end of the rope and pass it over the top and through the 2nd slot. Clip both loops into the carabiner and you're good to go.

 MischaHY 15 Jul 2024
In reply to Fredt:

Edelrid Rap Line is better for this sort of thing. Handles better and also rated for dynamic falls so can used for rope soloing in a pinch if you've overcooked things or it's wet etc. 

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