Recommendation for a female MTB instructor, peak/dales

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 roym 27 May 2024

Hi, I'm looking for any recommendations for a MTB instructor in the peak or Yorkshire dales or NYM. It's for myself and girlfriend who I think would respond better to a female instructor. We're beginner mountain bikers but can handle blue runs so far.


 Mini Mansell 27 May 2024
In reply to roym:

Drop me an email,  i run a small mtb coaching company, i can point you to a couple of fantastic lady coaches.


 e.ms355 28 May 2024
In reply to roym:

I did some with Pete from Kizerchief Mountain Bike Coaching ( search Google and it comes up with Facebook page). He's awesome and did a load of women's sessions but also works with Jess at the moment who is great too.

For NYM or Dalby

Post edited at 21:18

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