Shout out to Patagonia / Lancs Sports Repairs Dep.

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 Fraser 22 May 2024

Just a quick word of thanks to Patagonia (and Lancashire Sports Repairs Dept.) for honouring their lifetime repairs warranty. I've just received my much-abused Nano Puff Hoody back from them after having a hand-pocket and main zipper replaced, all free of charge. I am usually quite sceptical about such too-good-to-be-true warranties but in this instance my scepticism was unfounded. It was an excellent service all round from both companies, thank you!

 dm3lions 22 May 2024
In reply to Fraser:

I can confirm that I also had excellent service from them.

I had a broken zip on a R1 jacket and they fixed it in a very timely fashion and it looked brand new with no obvious repair work


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