Getting fuel for a trangia or similar

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 goatee 13 May 2024

Heading back to the Pyrenees again in June. Flying into Toulouse on Sunday morning and I have just realised that every sport store is closed for the day so no gas can be got. Thinking of getting an alcohol burner instead. There are several supermarkets near the train station. Not the hyper big ones but the city types. Would those have meths or parraffin???. I don't want to go down the petrol road. 

 CantClimbTom 13 May 2024
In reply to goatee:

I've had luck buying fuel (Coleman fuel) from sports shops, and from hardware/diy shops in France if it's meths (alcool). And quite likely meths (as Alcool à brûler) in larger supermarkets. One has to Fondue/raclette you know!    But you have close to zero chance getting paraffin, anywhere on any day of the week... good luck so forget about an old primus you might have lurking or sometimes find at a car boot/jumble sale (despite them being brilliant)

Post edited at 12:51
 Doug 13 May 2024
In reply to CantClimbTom:

you can find parafin in France, confusingly for English speakers, its sold as 'pétrole', I think the last time I bought some was in a large supermarket for cleaning bike chains a few months ago.

Post edited at 13:02
 Godwin 13 May 2024
In reply to goatee:

We had no trouble buying Meths in Supermarkets on a cycle tour of France last year. IIRC they call it  Alcol Bruler. Remember many if not all Supermarkets will close for the day on a Sunday around noon.

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