Zermatt area, touring conditions

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 pec 29 May 2024

I'm driving down to the Alps tomorrow for a month. Been looking at weather forecasts, webcams and the Chamoniarde reports over the last few weeks and it seems there's been abnormally high levels of snow throughout May and more to come so we're taking ski touring gear.

Initially I'm aiming for the wider Zermatt area in general (Zermatt, Saas, Arolla etc).

Beyond "there's a lot of snow at the moment" does anyone have any useful info on conditions for climbing, skiing, avalanche risk etc (the forecasts have stopped for the season).

In terms of touring I'd ideally like to do things like the Strahlhorn, Castor and the Monta Rosa peaks before switching to more climbing orientated things later in June but I'm totally flexible. 

As an aside, it appears there's no uplift from Saas Fee for a few weeks yet. Is that so or is my Internet searching letting me down?

Thanks in advance.

 Juan S 29 May 2024
In reply to pec:

Both the Italian and the Swiss avalanche reports have stopped, but the French ones are still going. It won't give you local info, but good to know what the snow pack is like in a few other locations not too far away and what the main risks have been. In France it's been oscillating between levels 2 and 3, with the main dangers being gliding avalanches and wet snow avalanches, as well as cornices which are described as potentially enormous. I've been looking at the Ecrins area, so quite far away from where you're going, the Chamonix area probably most useful to you. 

Camptocamp trip reports are pretty good for conditions / photos as reported by people logging trips (very popular in France, but there are a few recent reports for the areas you're interested in - most are in French). 

OP pec 29 May 2024
In reply to Juan 

Thanks, I hadn't realised that MeteoFrance were still doing avalanche reports.

Didn't realise camp to camp did trip reports, I don’t use it much, so I'll check them out.

Luckily  French is fine, I'd struggle with German.

 HammondR 29 May 2024
In reply to pec:

Also check out 


Again mainly France based but you might get lucky.

You might even choose to temporarily relocate!

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