Summer Spine Races this week

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 BusyLizzie 16 Jun 2024

Records falling like nine pins, Summer Spine Sprint won so fast that if you blinked you missed it.

One guy was runnuling the Sprint and then getting a lift back to Edale to run the full race - wow.

 ro8x 16 Jun 2024
In reply to BusyLizzie:

Saw the guy doing the sprint and then rushing back to do the full thing and couldn’t help but wonder why he’s bothering with the faff. Best of luck to him but it seems on the face of it quite senseless 😁

 timjones 16 Jun 2024
In reply to ro8x:

On the face of it many people would think that running any of the races is quite senseless.

 ro8x 16 Jun 2024
In reply to timjones: true - it just seems to be needlessly complicated for no benefit. Doing the spine is hard enough that I doubt anyone is asking “did you do a 46 mile warm up though?”

OP BusyLizzie 17 Jun 2024
In reply to ro8x:

He was interviewed on the Day 2 video, post-Sprint pre-Spine, and sounded like he didn't enjoy the Sprint. Must be a bogfest after recent weather.

 dread-i 17 Jun 2024
In reply to BusyLizzie:

Chap I know is coming up to Thornton. Nice little tuck shop there, run by a farmer.

In other news Jasmin Paris, MBE!

OP BusyLizzie 17 Jun 2024
In reply to dread-i:

Hurrah for wonderful Jasmin, great news!

 dread-i 17 Jun 2024
In reply to BusyLizzie:

> Hurrah for wonderful Jasmin, great news!

Too right. In most races you just get a t-shirt.

But in all seriousness, its an awesome achievement. "For services to Fell and Long-Distance Running".

 ro8x 17 Jun 2024
In reply to dread-i:

Brilliant and well deserved by Jasmin. 

OP BusyLizzie 18 Jun 2024

12 cases of hypothermia yesterday, according to one report on Facebook - I wonder how often that happens on the Summer races?

 Harry Jarvis 19 Jun 2024
In reply to BusyLizzie:

I must admit I find it harder to get excited abut the Summer Spine Race, mainly because the conditions are usually more benign, but this year has obviously had its challenges. 

At the time of writing, the leader, Chris Cope, is within a few miles of finishing, while the second place runner is a very long way behind, just about to arrive in Bellingham. I wonder what the biggest winning margin has been? 

OP BusyLizzie 19 Jun 2024
In reply to Harry Jarvis:

Might be Claire Bannworth last year who at one point was a whole county ahead of the second lady (but I don't have the actual statistics to hand).

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