Bob Graham Support (Part 2)

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 OldShoes 26 Jul 2024

Hi all! I posted with a question on Bob Graham Round support several months ago (link at the end of this post) and got a lot of great guidance, as well as a fun side discussion on units of measurement. =)

I have since continued with the training, and things have been going well, including a really promising “three-quarters effort” trail run this past week (52 miles, 18000’ elevation, 16h42m on similarly challenging terrain, link at the end) that registered at 0.63 relative to the Naismith time.

I am going to move forward and target an Aug 20 round, 24:30 pace, with a 2:00 AM start time. I have reached out to a few Facebook groups and have support for Legs 2 and 3, but still looking for pacers for Legs 1, 4, and 5. If anyone is interested and available, let me know.

Thanks so much!!

 montyjohn 26 Jul 2024
In reply to OldShoes:

How close am I?

 Phil1919 26 Jul 2024
In reply to OldShoes:

Good luck.

 ablackett 27 Jul 2024
In reply to OldShoes:

24:30 pace? Did I read that right? You know it’s not a Bob Graham Round if it takes over 24 hours right? It’s just a big day (and a bit) out on Lakeland hills. 

I’m partly joking here, but why not a 24h schedule? Or do you mean 24:30/mile? 

 Pedro50 27 Jul 2024
In reply to ablackett:

24.30/miles would equate to about 28 hours though.

 climberchristy 27 Jul 2024
In reply to ablackett:

I assumed it was a typo and OP maybe meant 23.30 pace? 

OP OldShoes 28 Jul 2024
In reply to ablackett:

So sorry for the confusion! Yes, I am aware that the round is meant to be completed in under 24 hours. I made a typo and meant to write that I will be pacing myself for a 23h30m schedule. Thanks for catching that.

 Phil1919 28 Jul 2024
In reply to OldShoes:

Yes, shame to run 30 mins over before realising it doesn't count : )

OP OldShoes 28 Jul 2024
In reply to montyjohn:

Pretty close! I think the only thing you missed was the frantic internal monologue after mile 27 when a temporary crown in the back of my mouth unexpectedly shattered after biting down on a snack…it ended up being fine, but I spent some time there worrying that I would be needing to deal with significant tooth pain for the next eight hours.

In reply to OldShoes:

Not sure why but I remembered this thread earlier. 

Dare we ask....?

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