where's good to climb in july?

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Removed User 28 Jun 2024

Hi guys,

where's good to climb (boulder or sport) in july? Worried most places will be too hot to climb. Are there any cheap places I can go to from the uk for half decent summer climbing?

thinking somewhere high, maybe alps, or maybe somewhere where, finland or sweden or norway or something like that. Or maybe far north of scotland - it's pretty cold there right?

 Lankyman 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Removed User:

Scotland's in the UK

 Rick Graham 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Lankyman:

> Scotland's in the UK

This week, at least.

 Kemics 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Removed User:

Norway is rad. But also shares Scottish weather. 

I dont think anywhere in terms of countries are too hot to climb. For sure some crags will be. But start early and chase the shade. 

 Kylos 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Removed User:


It almost* never rains. 

 Lankyman 29 Jun 2024
In reply to Removed User:

Do you have a midge net?

 TomTeece 29 Jun 2024
In reply to Removed User:

Camp at ceuse or camp at magic wood have been my summer go tos!

 Gary Gibson 29 Jun 2024
In reply to Removed User: go to the Burren in county Clare

 UKB Shark 29 Jun 2024
In reply to Removed User:

For sport lots of options around Briancon.  Rue de Masques is particularly shady 


 Michael Hood 30 Jun 2024
In reply to Removed User:

Is this a bot/ai or troll account?

Just that it's a very new account, has only started a couple of threads (no replies on those, no posts on existing threads) and the threads are both basically very niave questions that seem a bit unlikely for any climber with some experience of life,let alone climbing.

Might of course be totally legit, or a very young climber. Just take care.

 Lankyman 30 Jun 2024
In reply to Michael Hood:

> Is this a bot/ai or troll account?

It does look odd when people give information and/or ask the OP for further details and yet there's no response. There are a couple of other similar posts asking about taking Dad up Mont Blanc with his dodgy ticker and trekking to Everest with mates. If they are fake posts what's the point?

 CantClimbTom 30 Jun 2024
In reply to Removed User:

Rocklands of course!

(ignoring cost, carbon footprint and other "minor" details)

Removed User 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Lankyman:

no - and i loathe midges which is why i avoid peaks in the summer months! 

Removed User 01 Jul 2024
In reply to CantClimbTom:

ah would love to do a rocklands trip - bit dead doing it solo though - all my mates too broke/busy to join unfortunately!

 ebdon 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Removed User:

I assume you mean the many peaks of Scotland? If you mean the Peak then get on on the lime, generally midge free, chiggers on the other hand....

 TobyA 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Removed User:

Finnish summers tend to be drier and warmer than British summers, but it's noticeable not much hard bouldering gets done mid summer. I think Hukkataival said it's too warm from April onwards which seemed funny as we were often ice climbing into April! 😆 But if it is hot there are lakes to swim in either at or close to most crags, and some DWS as well.

 pebbles 07 Jul 2024
In reply to ebdon:

Both trollers ghyll and moughton nab can be midge hell. Both are limestone. On the other hand, if almscliff isnt midge free you might as well stay home. I'm not at all convinced its the rock type, i think its more to do with whether the crag is high and exposed enough to catch the wind

 ebdon 07 Jul 2024
In reply to pebbles:

Well as those places aren't in the Peak they may as well not exist.

In all seriousness for midge haters I think its sort of related to geology, midges loving standing water and the natural drainage characteristics of grit means you often get boggy bits where limestone will drain quicker and be often much drier. I can well belive however that almscliff being a very exposed and windy place being less midge the trollers Gill which is very sheltered and I think has a spring running through it.

 McHeath 07 Jul 2024
In reply to pebbles:

Troller‘s Ghyll would seem to be perfect on all counts 

 Dunthemall 07 Jul 2024

The key web site is for midges is:- https://www.smidgeup.com/midge-forecast/

Its horrible today 7/7/24 (evening) too much Midge 5.

 pebbles 14 Jul 2024
In reply to Removed User:

> Hi guys,

> where's good to climb (boulder or sport) in july? Worried most places will be too hot to climb. "


 Gary Gibson 20 Jul 2024
In reply to UKB Shark: in my personal experience..and I have been there lots of times briancon is way too hot in July

 racodemisa 20 Jul 2024
In reply to UKB Shark:

Yes I've climbed at RDM/Simoust all day more or less shade a nice breeze often when it's totally oppressive heat everywhere else It can be crowded in July though.

 chungsiang.ho 20 Jul 2024
In reply to Removed User:

Avoid southern Europe as it'll be scorching. The Alps are great this time though, give it a go.. or a climb haha

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