Top Rope climbing near St Davids (4 & 6 Yr Old)

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 Adam Thickett 21 Jul 2024


We live and climb in The Lake District but are on holiday near St Davids in 2 weeks. I have found the below destinations as possibilities but they all still require either a exposed scramble or an abseil or lower toward the sea.

  • St Nons Bay - Sun Slab
  • Porthclais Area
  • Saddle Head

Ideally I am looking for a bottom belay top rope venue as we have in the lakes. Do any exist??



 Matt Podd 21 Jul 2024
In reply to Adam Thickett:

I climbed in this area with my son when he was young. Tricky to find venues , I used to lower him down and belay him out from the top. Or lower him down and abseil after him with a top rope now in place. Lovely area for holidaying with kids. 

 Andy Hardy 21 Jul 2024
In reply to Adam Thickett:

Plumstone Mountain is only bouldering, but is at least inland, so no issues with tides / abseil approaches. Full disclosure: I've not climbed there, just passed by on a bike. Nice spot though

 freemanTom 21 Jul 2024
In reply to Adam Thickett:

You can do a lot worse than Caerfai Beach Crag. Wee slab in middle of gorgeous beach. Scramble up the back to set up your top rope. Handful of lines.

 Offwidth 21 Jul 2024
In reply to Adam Thickett:

Tons of kids bouldering at Port Clais, plus easy to lower down to climb (less hassle than bottom roping given access and tides).

Post edited at 22:12
 Jamie Wakeham 22 Jul 2024
In reply to Adam Thickett:

You've found the best option - Sun Slab at Pen-y-Cyfrwy is completely non tidal and accessible top and bottom.

OP Adam Thickett 30 Jul 2024
In reply to Adam Thickett:

Thanks for all the replies, some great suggestions and so hopefully I can get them both on the rock soon. 👍😀

OP Adam Thickett 08 Aug 2024


I thought I'd update this thread with my findings while on holiday so it's more useful for anyone else in my position in the future.

We visited Caerfai Beach Crag after borrowing a Pembrokeshire guidebook and looked up  Caerfai Bay. Also, be aware that the crag is only accessible from the beach at low tide and you don't have long before it gets cut off.

Please find the attached images to help anyone in the future.



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