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 Tony Lourens 30 Jun 2024

Visiting from South Africa. Wondering which is the better (easier) approach walk to Talisman. From the car park near Avimore or the one from the Braemar side? Thx

 ebdon 30 Jun 2024
In reply to Tony Lourens:

I would say Breamar is a touch longer but the easier way, with a good obvious track all the way, it's a bit faffy and up and downy coming in from the north. If you have a bike coming in from the south wins hands down as you can cycle quite a way up Glen Derry.

OP Tony Lourens 30 Jun 2024
In reply to ebdon:

Thanks very much!

 cacheson 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Tony Lourens:

I agree with ebdon. It's a great route- enjoy!

However, your post has got me thinking about the least convenient approach direction. I'm thinking that starting at Drumochter Pass would do the job, but I'm open to other sufferfest suggestions...

In reply to ebdon:

Having done the northern approach the other day (and knowing the southern one already) I'd say this is most definitely correct. Reckon on at least 3hrs on foot from either direction.

OP Tony Lourens 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Tony Lourens:

Thanks all! Appreciate your input. The southern approach it is then. Just hope the weather plays ball. 

Post edited at 09:31
 DaveHK 01 Jul 2024
In reply to cacheson:

>  However, your post has got me thinking about the least convenient approach direction. I'm thinking that starting at Drumochter Pass would do the job, but I'm open to other sufferfest suggestions..

Starting from South Africa would seem to be pretty inconvenient!

 Rick Graham 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Dan Bailey - UKHillwalking.com:

> Having done the northern approach the other day (and knowing the southern one already) I'd say this is most definitely correct. Reckon on at least 3hrs on foot from either direction.

Probably correct on approach times but for me the great advantage of most approaches with a bike is the speed of the return.

I have covered the ground but not timed it, 2.5 to 3 hours back north? 1.5 back south?

In reply to Rick Graham:

Yeah, that sounds about right (even at my pedalling pace). Bike only useful for the southern approach of course. 

OP Tony Lourens 01 Jul 2024
In reply to DaveHK:

😂😂 though I’d give myself a proper challenge. 

 Dunthemall 01 Jul 2024

The upper (east) track from Derry Lodge has been "ploughed out" and does not exist. Cross the foot bridge and bike up the lower (west) path, walk up the steep hill and over another foot bridge to rejoin the track. Bike to the end of second platation in the upper part of Glen Derry about OS 035980.

 Iain Brown 01 Jul 2024
In reply to ebdon:

I have done it from the north as  a day trip and it feels a long way back doing it that way, but lots to see.

In fact I think we went back over Carn Etchachan and contoured around above Hell's Lum to the top of the Goat Track as an alternative to going down to Loch Avon and back up again.

Multi-day trip probably better if you have the time!

In reply to Tony Lourens:

I did it using a bike then walking from the South a couple of years ago and thought it was a fantastic way to get to Talisman. Getting back to the bike for the last miles out was especially good. 

Watch out for the midges and ticks of course.

 dougp87 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Dunthemall:

In there last month and the 2nd bridge is closed, although you can jump the fence. We went in of east of burn and back on west. On balance east is prob easier. West is narrow single track through heather. Unless we missed a better track. East is rutted out with drainage ditches but fine. 2hrs in 1.5 back. With a recharge overnight though!

Awesome crag. Enjoy.

 Rick Graham 01 Jul 2024
In reply to dougp87:

Not been for ten years or so but east up west down probably best. 

Was the recharge for an electric bike

> In there last month and the 2nd bridge is closed, although you can jump the fence. We went in of east of burn and back on west. On balance east is prob easier. West is narrow single track through heather. Unless we missed a better track. East is rutted out with drainage ditches but fine. 2hrs in 1.5 back. With a recharge overnight though!

> Awesome crag. Enjoy.

 alan moore 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Iain Brown:

> In fact I think we went back over Carn Etchachan and contoured around above Hell's Lum to the top of the Goat Track as an alternative to going down to Loch Avon and back up again.

Did the same. Remember it took 3hrs to walk in via the Shelterstone and nice to descend slightly to the crag foot rather than slog up the talus. 

Great walk back over the top of Shelterstone Crag and across the waterslide burns above Hells Lum.

 StuDoig 01 Jul 2024
In reply to Dunthemall:

The track from derry Lodge on the east side of the derry burn definitely still exists - better for biking than the west side atm especially with the aluminium bridge blocked since a little after storm Frank.  Not difficult to climb the barrier, but would be PITA to try and carry a bike over.

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