Log book errors - The Fang

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 Dave Cundy 28 Jun 2024


Just looking at entries for The Fang at Tremadoc and i notice someone appears to have done it 23 times in a row (Jan 2020).  Clearly a mistake, can you tidy it up please?

 ianstevens 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Dave Cundy:

Agreed, I actually did it 24 times

 Mike-W-99 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Dave Cundy:

The log books are full of stuff like this. Especially winter climbs being ticked in error during the summer.

 top cat 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Dave Cundy:

It took me 25 attempts before success........

 Martin Bagshaw 28 Jun 2024
In reply to Dave Cundy:

Look up some of the logs for gorges du loop. That really takes the biscuit.

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