Dumfries and Galloway Bouldering

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 MTL 20 Jul 2024


Just wondering if anyone knows where I can find topos for  Thirlstane Monreith bay beach, or  Garheugh Port (or even better have any they can share please)?

Off on holiday in the area next week and on the off chance good weather and free time align keen to try and sneak in an hour or so bouldering.



 Dr Toph 20 Jul 2024
In reply to MTL:

Boulder Scotland (Stone Country) covers them, although not comprehensively.

SMC guide to D&G is still in the works and will cover the best of the bouldering, just for future note.

 petegunn 21 Jul 2024
In reply to MTL:

You can find a bit more info on John Biggar's web site, theres a topo for some of the stuff at Garheugh Port, lovely quiet area👍


Theres quite a few videos linked to the ukc entries for Garheugh and Thirlstane and on YouTube.

I've got a topo for Thirlstane if you message me directly, it's not great but it will help with locating the problems.

Post edited at 10:10
 Fraser 21 Jul 2024
In reply to MTL:

Also try contacting UKC user Stingraypoindex, he's either base down that way or knows it well.


OP MTL 21 Jul 2024
In reply to MTL:

Great, thanks for the replies everyone.  Probably left it a little late to buy the book this time but got it ordered for next time (been too distracted looking at mountain biking stuff in the area).  Sure there will be enough for this trip going off the various bits suggested.

Thanks again,


 dmca 22 Jul 2024
In reply to MTL:

scottishclimbs.com used to have a bit of stuff but I'm not sure it's really live still. I'll message you.

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