Dress Circle - Heptonstall

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 BlownAway 02 Jul 2024

I don’t have any Heppy guides any more but this route has come up in some research work I’m doing,

Does anyone who did the first aided ascent of it (or crossing of it - it’s a traverse) and what date, roughly?



 Andrew Lodge 02 Jul 2024
In reply to BlownAway:

Looking in my copy of Yorkshire Gritstone it lists the first ascent as;

1962   M Day  John Oddie

There is also a note stating

Another obscene aid extravaganza. It traversed left from the rabbit ledge to Fairy Steps at a high level. 

Hope that helps

OP BlownAway 03 Jul 2024
In reply to Andrew Lodge:

Thanks for that. 

Those names and dates aren't what I was expecting/hoping to see. I wonder whether 'M. Day' or Oddie are known for anything else...?


 Andrew Lodge 05 Jul 2024
In reply to BlownAway:

The same pairing is also credited with Trepidation but nothing else at Heptonstall.

 elliotlukeb 01 Aug 2024
In reply to BlownAway:

Out of curiosity, what is the research work you are doing?

Cheers, Elliot

OP BlownAway 15 Aug 2024
In reply to elliotlukeb:

> Out of curiosity, what is the research work you are doing?

> Cheers, Elliot

It’s actually related to Cow’s Mouth Quarry in sunny Lancashire.

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