Yorkshire gritstone guide - good Yorkshire climbing shop?

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 Si dH 25 May 2024

Hi folks, we are staying in Nidderdale and I've left my Yorkshire Gritstone Vol 1 guidebook at home. Can someone tell me a shop that is very likely or certain to sell it, ideally close by or else in Harrogate (where we are probably going to shelter from the rain tomorrow)?

I can see there is Sypeland Outdoors in Pateley bridge, but there's little info about it online and it's closed until Monday. So a Harrogate shop would work. 


Post edited at 21:22
 Edshakey 25 May 2024
In reply to Si dH:

If you were to come down Leeds direction, Armley or Big Depot shops will most likely have it?

OP Si dH 25 May 2024
In reply to Edshakey:

Thanks, I don't really want to go that far.

 Mike D 25 May 2024
In reply to Si dH:

Borrow mine if you like? I'm 10 mins outside Harrogate.

 Dewi Williams 25 May 2024
In reply to Si dH:

Cotswold in Harrogate have a number of climbing guidebooks, I was in there yesterday, didn't notice if they had the one you want but a fair bet that they have it.

OP Si dH 27 May 2024
In reply to Si dH:

In case anyone is wondering, we found a copy in George Fisher in Harrogate.

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